Uh oh Olivia

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Slowly, news spread around school about me and Jamal. I could sense that Jamal wasn't thrilled about the attention, but a part of me reveled in the fact that everyone knew he was mine.

Mariposa had become a frequent visitor at my house, and her presence brought a sense of warmth. It made me happy to think that she could be the perfect match for Oscar. Their relationship was gentle and caring, and Mariposa, in many ways, became a maternal figure for me.

One day, on my way to school, I noticed a green car, and instinctively, I pulled my hood over my head and quickened my pace. A random Prophet approached me, questioning why a girl like me was walking alone. Fear gripped me, and I immediately reached out to Oscar for help.

"Oscar, where are you right now? Help me." Oscar started yelling yelling"What's wrong, bubs? Where are you?" I kept quiet he knew. "Keep walking, but don't leave the block." He quickly hung up, and I continued walking, only to spot some Santos members. I quickened my pace, heading toward them.

"Bitch, where do you think you're going?" A Prophet yelled at me, and I started sprinting. Gunshots echoed around me, and I knew the Prophets were firing. "Help me, Sad Eyes!" I screamed. Sad Eyes swiftly turned around, grabbed his gun, and fired back at the Prophets, watching one of them drop to the ground.

Pablo quickly joined Sad Eyes, the two Santos members forming an imposing barrier against the Prophets. The air crackled with tension, and I anxiously observed the confrontation unfolding.

"You don't want to push this, man. Walk away, and we won't make you regret it." The prophet laughed "I ain't scared of you Santos. You're just a bunch of lowlifes." Pablo spat at him "Watch your mouth, ese. You're on our turf now."

The atmosphere grew more intense, and I could feel the fear and animosity thickening the air. Just as it seemed like the situation might escalate, the distant wail of sirens signaled the approach of a police car. The Prophet, realizing the odds were against him, retreated into the shadows, casting a final menacing glare before disappearing.

The police car rolled closer, and Sad Eyes and Pablo maintained their vigilant stance until the threat was definitively gone. Turning to me, Sad Eyes holstered his gun.

"You good, Lani?" I nodded, still trembling from the encounter but grateful for their protection. Pablo shot me a reassuring smile, and Sad Eyes, with a mix of concern and determination, resumed their patrol. 

The drive home with Sad Eyes in his ute was filled with a heavy silence, a silent acknowledgment of the potential dangers that lurked in our neighborhood. As we pulled up to the front of our house, relief washed over me. Mariposa was there, sitting on the front lawn, engaged in a conversation with Oscar. Without a second thought, I ran towards her, the weight of the recent fear crashing down on me, and I cried into her comforting embrace.

"It was so scary," I mumbled between sobs, my voice shaky and filled with lingering fear.Mariposa tightened her hold on me, soothingly rubbing my back. "Well, you're safe now, honey," she whispered softly in my ear, her words offering a reassurance that echoed in the stillness of the moment. The presence of Mariposa and Oscar provided a sense of security, a fleeting respite from the chaos that too often encroached on our lives.

Olivia pov

"I paid you good money to get rid of her. What's taking so long?" I snarled into the phone, my voice dripping with impatience. The girl on the other end of the line had disrupted everything – my relationship with Ruby's mum, and now she had her sights set on Jamal. "I don't care how you do it; just make it quick."

The call ended abruptly as I hung up, my frustration boiling over. The desire to eliminate Lani, to erase the problems she brought into my life, consumed me.

As I turned around, I found Ruby standing there, his eyes wide with shock and anger. The truth hung heavy in the air, a dangerous secret now exposed.

"You're trying to kill Lani. Do you want to live until tomorrow?" Ruby's voice echoed through the room, a threat layered within his words.

"She ruined everything, Ruby. You don't understand," I retorted, my anger driving my words.

"She was here before you, Olivia. She has a whole future planned out for her, and I'm not going to let you come here and ruin it."

Just like that, Ruby stormed off before I could even catch up with him. The weight of my actions settled in, the consequences of involving myself in dangerous affairs threatening to unravel the fragile threads that held our lives together.

Oscar pov
I was on the front porch with the boys when Ruby came sprinting towards me, gasping for breath. "Yo fool, why you running for?" I questioned, concerned about the urgency in his movements.

"Olivia paid some prophets to kill Lani," he blurted out quickly. I stood up, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and worry. "What?" I demanded, needing to grasp the severity of the situation.

Ruby was visibly scared, and his words hung in the air. "Olivia paid some prophets to kill Lani," he repeated, his tone serious. Fury ignited within me. "Get your mum to my house now," I commanded him, urgency cutting through my words.

Turning to face the boys, I could see the rage in their eyes. Lani was like a sister to them, and the threat to her safety struck a chord deep within. "No one lets Lani be by herself, or even leave the house. I ain't losing my baby," I declared firmly, the protective instinct taking over as we prepared to face this new danger head-on.

Ruby pov
I came running home to find my mom and Olivia engaged in conversation, and Olivia shot me an evil glare as I entered. "Mom, hi, we need to talk now," I urgently grabbed her arm and pulled her outside.

"Olivia is paying prophets to put a hit on Lani," I spoke rapidly, conveying the gravity of the situation. My mom's expression shifted from shock to hurt as she realized the betrayal, considering she had provided Olivia with shelter and care. "Oscar needs you, Mom," I insisted, and without hesitation, she left for Oscar's, understanding the urgency of the matter.

Lani pov

The air in the room hung heavy with a mix of anger and betrayal. Oscar's stern gaze conveyed both disappointment and protective concern. I felt a knot forming in my stomach as the weight of Olivia's betrayal settled in.

"Can I see Jamal?" I asked, almost pleading for a sense of normalcy, a distraction from the chaos that Olivia had stirred up. Oscar's eyes narrowed, his voice firm, "You're crazy, fool. I ain't letting you kiss no boys while you're on a death wish. You gotta stay here with the brothers." His words echoed in my ears, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Cesar, standing there with a conflicted expression, questioned the veracity of Olivia's intentions. "Are you sure Olivia is trying to get you killed?" His voice held a mixture of disbelief and anger. Oscar, unable to contain his frustration, stood up abruptly. "I know you're in love with her, but seriously, Ruby came running to me as soon as he heard. I don't care if she's some pretty girl; she ain't worth nothing compared to your sister," he spat out, his protective instincts taking over.

The room felt tense, emotions running high, as Oscar stormed out, leaving us to grapple with the betrayal within our ranks. Cesar, now fueled by a fierce determination, declared, "If she wants to kill you, then I'mma play her too." The statement hung in the air, an unspoken promise of retribution and protection.

In the midst of it all, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the brothers standing by me, ready to shield me from the storm Olivia had unleashed. The camaraderie of Los Santos, my chosen family, offered solace in the face of a brewing tempest.

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