Heartbreak High

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Cesar pov

The atmosphere was thick with tension as I approached Olivia's door, feigning ignorance about the unfolding situation. I knocked, and her startled expression revealed she hadn't anticipated my visit.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing here?" she stammered out, attempting to play it cool. "Came to see my favorite girl," I replied, my words laced with deception. She giggled, attempting to engage me in a kiss, but I had other plans.

As her phone rang, she hesitated, dismissing it as probably Ruby. However, my intuition told me otherwise. "No, I think you should answer it," I insisted, swiftly grabbing the phone and putting it on speaker.

"I can't kill her, I can't do it. Every single Santo will kill until they find out who did it, and I don't wanna die, bro. You can kill Lani yourself. I can't kill a Diaz," the prophet on the other end of the line confessed before abruptly hanging up.

The truth hung in the air, confirming Olivia's sinister plan. Anger surged through me as I confronted her, shoving her against the wall, holding a gun to her. "I'm gonna kill you like you wanted to kill my baby sister," I declared coldly, watching tears stream down her face.

"No, baby, please stop. Don't do it," she pleaded, her cries falling on deaf ears. I laughed, leaving her broken on the ground, a consequence of her own malevolent intentions.

Lani pov

The tension in the air seemed palpable as I overheard the intense argument between Oscar and Mariposa. While a part of me longed for Jamal, I couldn't help but listen to the emotional turmoil unraveling between Oscar and Mariposa, entwining their lives with mine.

Oscar's voice reverberated through the house, a blend of frustration and pain as he expressed the complexities of their relationship. "What do you expect me to do, Mariposa? You know I love you. Everyone does, but we aren't ready for each other!" The weight of his words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the challenges they faced.Mariposa's passionate response echoed through the walls, revealing the depth of her emotions. 

"Puta, I don't know what you're thinking, but I love you. I always have, even while your ass was locked up, I craved you." The raw intensity of her confession was accompanied by the sound of objects being hurled between them.

"Stop!" I couldn't stand idly by, the chaos unfolding before me. Desperation fueled my scream, hoping to put an end to the turmoil. Oscar stormed towards me, and instinctively, I stepped back. "Oscar, no! I know you're scared of putting another girl in your life, apart from me. I get that, and I know you love Mariposa. You always have, every day. Even when you dated Ashley, she was different. You don't go soft like you do around Mariposa. You care about her, Ossie."

The words spilled out of me, a plea for him to recognize the undeniable truth. Oscar stood there, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions. In that moment, I could only hope that he would make a decision that not only addressed his own struggles but also considered the well-being of all of us entangled in this intricate web of emotions.

The weight of my emotions lingered as I crawled back into bed, reaching out to Jamal with a call that went straight to voicemail. The floodgates opened as I poured my heart out into the message, confessing how much I missed every facet of our shared moments."Jamal, it's me. I miss you. I miss everything. I miss us laughing at our stupid secrets, I miss how you used to walk me to school before Oscar got back. I miss every part of you. I wanna see you, J."

As I wiped away my tears, I was startled by Mariposa's voice breaking the silence. Looking up, confusion etched on my face, she offered insights that struck a chord. "You know he's just scared," she began, not referring to Jamal but Oscar. "Not Jamal, well, he is scared, but Oscar. You're his baby. He doesn't want to let you go. He doesn't want to watch you grow up. You're meant to be a baby forever, and it's gonna be hard for him. I know you miss Jamal, but you're gonna have to wait."

Her sympathetic smile conveyed an understanding of the complexities within the Diaz household. Exhausted by the emotional turmoil, I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head, surrendering to the embrace of sleep, hoping that time would bring clarity and healing to the bonds that seemed strained.Monday

"Jamal, wait up!" I called after him, my voice echoing in the empty street. He quickened his pace, but determination fueled my strides as I caught up with him. "What's going on? Why are you avoiding me?" Jamal sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Lani, it's complicated right now. I need time to figure things out."

I felt a lump forming in my throat, and my heart sank. "But... we're best friends. You can talk to me about anything." He turned to face me, his expression pained. "It's not about not trusting you, Lani. It's about trying to protect you. There's too much going on, and I don't want you getting hurt."

I clenched my fists, frustration bubbling inside me. "Jamal, I can handle myself. We've always been there for each other. Why shut me out now?" He looked away, his eyes avoiding mine. "It's just... things are changing, and I don't want you to be caught in the crossfire."As hurt and confused as I felt, I respected Jamal's need for space. The air hung heavy with unspoken words, and I reluctantly nodded. 

Jamal's words hung in the air, a heavy silence settling between us. I felt a knot forming in my stomach as I watched his eyes dart around, avoiding direct contact with mine. His sudden hesitancy filled the room with tension. "Look, we can't, us, this whole thing," Jamal began, gesturing vaguely between us. My heart sank, and a sinking feeling took hold of me. "I, uh, like someone else."

His words struck like a dagger through my chest. I felt a mix of hurt, shock, and disbelief. I had thought we shared something special, a bond that transcended the complexities of high school drama."Who?" I managed to whisper, my voice shaky, as if the mere utterance of the question would make the reality even more painful.

Jamal hesitated, his eyes locking onto mine, and a heavy silence lingered in the air. I braced myself for the answer, my heart pounding in my chest."Olivia," he finally admitted.My mouth dropped in disbelief. Olivia, the very person I had considered a friend, the one who had betrayed me with Cesar. The revelation stung like a fresh wound, reopening the pain I thought I had buried. I tried to hold back the tears, but they welled up, betraying the hurt I felt.

I wanted to ask why, to demand an explanation, but the words caught in my throat. The person I had trusted had chosen someone who had already caused me immense pain. The room felt like it was closing in on me, and all I could do was stare at Jamal, trying to comprehend the betrayal.As Jamal's words sank in, a lump formed in my throat, and my heart felt like it had been ripped apart. The pain was intense, but I needed to understand. "Jamal, what changed?" I asked, my voice trembling.

He hesitated before meeting my eyes, "I don't know, Lani. It just happened. I've been spending more time with Olivia, and things evolved." I felt a surge of anger mixed with sadness. "So, what, I was just a placeholder until something better came along?"

Jamal sighed, "It's not like that. I never meant to hurt you.""But you did," I retorted, the tears now freely flowing. "We were supposed to be different, Jamal. You were my best friend."His expression tightened, a mix of guilt and discomfort. "Lani, I never wanted to lose you. I just need time to figure things out."The pain in my chest intensified as he walked away, leaving me standing there, abandoned and betrayed. It felt like the foundation of my world had crumbled, and I sank to the ground, clutching my heart.

The next few days were a blur of heartache. I saw Jamal and Olivia together, laughing and smiling, as if the pain they caused me meant nothing. The betrayal stung, and I couldn't escape the torment of watching them grow closer.One day, as I passed by them in the hallway, Olivia shot me a triumphant smirk, as if reveling in my misery. I couldn't hold back the surge of anger. The person I trusted, my best friend, had not only abandoned me but had chosen someone who took pleasure in my pain.

The emotional storm inside me raged on, leaving me feeling lost and abandoned in the wake of Jamal and Olivia's newfound connection. The pain lingered, and the once warm memories now felt like a distant echo of a friendship that had been shattered beyond repair.

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