Letters to you

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Lani pov

My Dearest Jamal,I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. The days here seem to stretch on endlessly, each moment marked by the absence of your laughter and the warmth of your presence. As I sit here, penning down my thoughts, I can't help but feel a torrent of emotions rushing through me.

I miss your smile, the one that had the power to make me fall for you all over again. The way you effortlessly made me laugh by simply being yourself is a memory I hold dear. The electric touch of your lips against mine is a sensation I yearn for in the quiet moments of the night. I miss every little thing about you.

I often wonder how the squad is doing without me. Please, watch out for Cesar; don't let him spiral down without my guidance. The dynamics of our surrogate family meant everything to me, and even from within these walls, their well-being is a constant concern.

But, Jamal, I know you don't write back. Perhaps it's because you think I've turned into someone unrecognizable, or maybe there's another reason altogether. Regardless, I want you to know that whatever path you choose for yourself, I will support you. My love for you will endure, transcending the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead.

I've changed during my time here – my hair has grown long and is now tied in boxer braids. I've become someone I never thought I would be. Life within these walls has sculpted me into a different person, yet the essence of who I am remains intertwined with the love we shared.As the ink dries on this letter, I can't help but hope that my words reach you, carrying with them the echoes of a love that refuses to be silenced.Yours always,Lani

As the guard took the letter from me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions coursing through my veins. The ink on the paper held fragments of my soul, expressing sentiments that had lingered unspoken for far too long. My words carried the weight of nostalgia, longing, and a profound sense of acceptance for the path that lay ahead.

In the confines of the detention center, where time seemed to stretch endlessly, writing letters became a solace, a way to bridge the gap between the life I once knew and the reality I faced. The words spilled onto the paper, each line a testament to the complexity of emotions that had taken residence in my heart.

As the days turned into nights, I often found myself replaying memories of Jamal, the laughter, the shared secrets, and the stolen moments that had woven the fabric of our connection. The ache of missing him manifested in every word, a poignant reminder of the love that transcended the confines of the detention center.

The reference to the squad and the plea to watch over Cesar reflected the enduring bonds that tied us together. Even in my absence, their well-being weighed heavily on my mind. The dynamics of the squad, a surrogate family that had weathered storms together, played a vital role in my sense of identity within the detention center.

The letter concluded with a bittersweet acknowledgment of the changes that had unfolded within me. The physical transformation, manifested in my boxer braids and the length of my hair, mirrored the internal metamorphosis I had undergone. Life within the detention center had etched its mark, sculpting a version of me that was both a departure from and an evolution of the person I once was.

As the guard walked away with the letter, I couldn't help but wonder about Jamal's reaction. Would he perceive the sincerity in my words? Could he fathom the depth of emotions that lingered in the spaces between the lines? In the uncertainty of the future, the letter became a vessel, carrying fragments of my heart to Jamal, a testament to a love that, despite the challenges, refused to be silenced.

Lani's POVDays turned into nights, each one blending into the next within the confines of my cell. The routine and monotony were suffocating, a constant reminder of the life I had left behind. The news about Mariposa's pregnancy brought both joy and sadness – joy for the new life growing within her, and sadness for the distance that kept me from being a part of it.

One day, a guard disrupted the dull routine, announcing that I had a visitor. The adrenaline rushed through my veins as I was led out of my cell to the visiting area. As I picked up the phone and saw Oscar on the other side of the glass, my heart swelled with emotions.

"I'm so sorry, Oscar," I uttered tearfully. His response was filled with reassurance and a reminder of the unwavering support we had for each other. He updated me on the squad – Mariposa's pregnancy, the imminent arrival of a baby boy, and Cesar's struggles without my presence.The joy for Oscar's growing family was tainted by guilt for the burden I had unintentionally placed on Cesar. I needed to find a way out, to be there for them."Diaz, time's up," the guard's voice interrupted our conversation, and I was escorted back to my cell.

Oscar's POVWalking into our home, I was met with the collective weight of the squad's sorrow. Monse's biting remarks did little to distract me from the bigger picture. I sought out Jamal, finding him cocooned in his room.

"Where's Jamal?" I asked the squad, receiving indifferent shrugs in response. Determined, I went to Jamal's family store, spotting him through the window.

As we sat outside, I asked about the letters. Jamal, hesitant, nodded. The silence was heavy, and I knew he was grappling with unspoken emotions."Write back, Jamal," I urged him, my words attempting to bridge the growing gap between him and Lani.

"She doesn't deserve me," Jamal mumbled, revealing a vulnerability he rarely showed. He believed he couldn't provide the protection Lani needed, feeling inadequate compared to the Santos.

"You're never gonna know if you don't try," I told him, emphasizing the importance of taking that leap.But Jamal's conviction remained strong. "I don't fit in here with her. I can't keep her safe; I'm not a Santo." In that moment, I made a silent promise to myself – I had to find a way to reunite them, to bring happiness back into Lani's life.

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