Calls for you

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Lani pov

The next few weeks flew by as I settled back into the familiar chaos of Freeridge. Reconnecting with the squad was both heartwarming and bittersweet. The joy of seeing familiar faces was tempered by the reality that time had marched on without me.Mariposa updated me on the squad's lives, but the news about Jamal was a sharp pang in my heart. He had left, seeking solace in the embrace of his grandmother, leaving behind the life and the girl he once knew.

One day, as I walked towards the exit of the juvenile detention center, Mariposa waited for me. Her words about my nephew, about the time that had slipped away, hung in the air, reminding me of what I had missed. The ride home was filled with a mix of emotions. Mariposa filled me in on the changes in Freeridge, but it was Jamal's departure that lingered in my mind. The city seemed both familiar and foreign, like a place suspended in time, waiting for me to catch up.As we reached the house, Sad Eyes and Cesar greeted me enthusiastically. 

The absence of Oscar was conspicuous, but the warmth of their welcome overshadowed the longing.

Oscar's room held a peaceful scene – he was asleep with my nephew on his chest. Mariposa gently placed him in the playpen, and as I approached, Oscar woke up, his sleep-laden eyes slowly focusing on me. The reunion was sweet, and with that, we were a family once more.

In the coming days, life in Freeridge resumed its rhythm. I decided that I wanted more, a chance to break free from the cycle that had bound us all. The idea of applying to college took root, a dream that seemed daunting yet filled with possibilities.

With each passing day, I reconnected with the squad, sharing laughter and catching up on lost time. Monse's excitement at my return was infectious, and Ruby's surprised reaction added an element of humor to the reunion.But the question of Jamal lingered in the air, a topic nobody seemed eager to broach. I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed, and I needed to confront it.

One day, I visited Ruby, determined to get answers. His hesitant response about Jamal leaving and not keeping in touch didn't sit well with me. I decided to confront Jamal directly, craving the closure that had eluded me for far too long.

The call was nerve-wracking. I could hear the surprise in Jamal's voice as he stammered through our conversation. The truth spilled out – he had believed I was still in jail. His heavy breathing and the silence that followed revealed the emotional toll my absence had taken on him.

But as I poured out my feelings, confessing my enduring love and acknowledging the changes that had taken place, I couldn't help but feel a sense of finality. Jamal deserved happiness and a life free from the shackles of Freeridge. My admission was both a release and a resignation.I hung up, the tears streaming down my face as I grappled with the reality of the situation. Freeridge had changed, the people I loved had moved on, and I was left to navigate a world that felt both familiar and foreign.

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