Court day

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Lani pov

The investigator's words stung, insinuating that violence ran in the family. The interrogation room felt suffocating, the weight of guilt and regret pressing down on me.As the investigator delved into the details, recounting a witness's claim of my actions, I couldn't escape the harsh reality of what I had done. His words painted a vivid picture of the violence I had inflicted upon Olivia, and my head hung low with the unbearable weight of that truth."I was over her bullshit," I murmured, almost to myself, attempting to justify my actions. "I didn't want to put Oscar in jail when he has a kid on the way, so I never told him what happened at lunch. I did it myself."

Confession hung heavy in the air. I had taken matters into my own hands, driven by a desperate need to protect my family from the looming threat Olivia posed. The investigator absorbed my words, nodding solemnly, understanding the complex web of motivations behind my actions.With a mix of sympathy and concern, the investigator hinted at the challenges awaiting me. "Your court case is tomorrow, but at this rate, you're not going to leave easy. You confessed." I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of my admission, my fingers fidgeting nervously.The arrival of my court-appointed lawyer brought a brief glimmer of hope. However, my confession had set the stage for a complicated legal battle. 

The lawyer, surprised by my candor, seemed to grapple with the missed opportunities to secure a more favorable outcome."We could've gotten you out easy," she lamented, emphasizing my status as a minor and the potential for a lighter sentence. "Maybe off with community service." I shook my head, a solemn determination in my eyes. "I need this."

As the wheels of the legal system began to turn, I braced myself for the inevitable consequences of my impulsive and desperate act. The courtroom awaited, where the echoes of my confession would reverberate, shaping the trajectory of my future.


The day of the court case arrived, a somber atmosphere clinging to the proceedings. Oscar's presence in the audience added an extra layer of sorrow; his eyes mirrored fear and guilt, creating a heavy burden that weighed on me. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment that would inevitably etch itself onto his face.Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered the legal proceedings. When called upon, I mechanically approached the judge. His question hung in the air, and I nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, yes, I did, sir," I admitted, and a collective gasp echoed through the courtroom. The judge, resigned to the facts, pronounced my fate.

"Lani Diaz will be imprisoned in a juvenile detention center for 4 years," the judge declared. The weight of the sentence crashed down on me, and tears welled up, regret drowning my every emotion.

Led away in handcuffs, I couldn't ignore Oscar's anguished cry. "Lani!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face. "I'll be there every day to see you. I love you." I managed a tearful smile and mouthed back, "I love you," before being escorted out.Oscar's perspective was a tumult of emotions. He cried into Mariposa's arms, contemplating the harsh reality that his baby sister would miss significant moments. The squad surrounded them, a shared grief enveloping the group. The ride home was filled with silent tears and the weight of an uncertain future.

Staring at Lani's photo in his wallet, Oscar couldn't fathom four years without her. "What's gonna happen to her in there?" he wondered aloud, his heart heavy with concern. Mariposa, ever supportive, grasped his hand, her gaze unwavering. "Both of you," she said, looking at both Oscar and Cesar, "we're gonna get through this, and so is she." A bittersweet smile crossed Oscar's face as the reality of the journey ahead sank in – four years without Lani, and the uncertainty that awaited her within those walls.

Lani pov

Days turned into weeks, and I gradually adapted to the harsh routine of the detention center. The Santos girls, led by Cherry, became my protective shield in this unforgiving environment. As I spent more time with them, I learned about their stories – tales of survival, betrayal, and resilience.

Cherry, the de facto leader, had a steely resolve forged in the crucible of adversity. Her red hair, tightly braided, reflected the fiery spirit within her. She shared her experiences, revealing the raw and unfiltered truths of the life that led her here. Despite the circumstances, a sense of camaraderie developed among us, grounded in the understanding that we were all navigating the same turbulent waters.

The prophets, the rival gang within the detention center, watched us warily. Our collective strength and unity sent a clear message – we weren't to be messed with. I could see the tension in their eyes, and while the Santos girls assured me of their protection, the underlying reality of the confined and volatile space lingered.

In the yard, where tensions often simmered, I stood tall with my newfound allies. Our unity created an unspoken force field, dissuading anyone from testing our resilience. The routine of daily life in detention became a series of calculated moves, alliances, and cautious glances.Despite the challenges, I held on to a singular goal – to get out of this place. The thought of reuniting with Oscar, Mariposa, Cesar, and the squad fueled my determination. Each passing day became a step closer to the moment I could leave this chapter behind.

As I navigated the intricacies of life in detention, I couldn't shake the feeling that every action and interaction held significance. The dynamics within the facility were a microcosm of the outside world, with power struggles, alliances, and unexpected friendships emerging amidst the chaos.

And so, I faced each day with a mix of apprehension and determination, relying on the Santos girls to help me navigate the complexities of my new reality. Little did I know that within the seemingly unyielding walls of the detention center, bonds would form, strength would be tested, and unforeseen challenges would arise, shaping my journey in ways I could never have anticipated.

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