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"You can't fight the darkness

but, you can make it dance."

Cyrus POV

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Cyrus POV

Sipping my coffee, I think about Isabelle. A smile started playing on my face. She is learning how to bake a chocolate cake. Nonna is helping her. I decided to have some alone time while they made the cake.

I was not sure if she would be able to bond well with Nonna and Nonno. On our first day on the estate, she was agitated and drew a circle around her. I'm happy that she was aware of things and drew a circle. Looking at her now, it's impossible for anyone to tell that she isn't a part of the family. Yet...

She pretty much bonded up with Nonna and Nonno. She is taking baking classes from Nonna even though we tell her not to tire herself with kitchen work. She was hellbent on learning something in her free time. I couldn't stop her from doing anything. It's refreshing watching her do things for the first time.

She joins Nonno in his farming field. He was happy to teach her farming. I couldn't stop thinking of the way her eyes shone with unshed tears of happiness when she was knee-deep in the farming fields. She was and is a city girl. I know these things mean a lot to her.

I decided to stay calm and let her decide her own activities. Nonno and Nonna love Isabelle and they have already teased me about putting a ring on her finger. It's soothing watching her bond with them. There's this unsaid happiness and peace that surrounds my body and mind watching her smile doing the little things.

Those little things mean greater things to her. I know I shouldn't be pushing her towards making life choices. I shouldn't force her to go against her family. I want her to experience things. I want her to be the person to make choices for herself.

My phone started ringing, breaking my thoughts. I chuckled, looking at the caller Id. "Hello..." I heard her cold tone.


"Where are you? Aren't you in London?"

"Nah, Are you in London?" I asked her.

"Yes, mum sent me here."

"Alone?" I already knew the answer. Aish auntie would never send her alone. "No." I laugh while she groans.

"I already regret coming here. Xavier and Elora are too much to handle." She sighs. "And don't get me started on their romance."

"Haha― What about David? Why don't you go out with him? Sure, he hasn't seen London, has he?"

"Nope, we aren't on a talking basis."

"Wow, aren't you guys in love?" She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Elora hasn't told you?"

"Tell me what?" There was a silence from her side. "Sitara?"

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