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"A hurricane takes a human form."

Isabelle POV

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Isabelle POV

The ride to the party was short. There's media everywhere, people are walking down the red carpet. My hands started sweating. I don't want to walk down the carpet and get my pictures clicked.

Cyrus drove past the main gate and I looked at him in confusion. "There's a back gate." Cyrus parked his car, but to our bad luck. There are paparazzi near the back gate as well. Cyrus got out of the car and came over to my side to open the door.

"Thank you." He helped me with the dress.

Cyrus wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close as we started walking. The cameras were pointed at us and flashes went off. Many questions were asked but Cyrus didn't answer any, but one question caught my attention when they called him Mr Weinburg.

I never really thought of knowing his full name. We have never discussed anything personal. He never asked about my schooling and college and I never asked him about his profession. Or of what business he does. The back doors were opened from inside, I held Cyrus' hand when I looked at the people.

Cyrus leaned down to my level. "Don't worry, I will be with you throughout the night." I looked up at him and gave him a nod.

We made our way into the crowd. Cyrus was stopped several times. He introduced me to the gentlemen wearing black suits and ladies wearing party gowns. Cyrus included me in the conversations and I was easily able to wrap around their conversations.

Cyrus handed me the drink. We went over to the other group. Cyrus' hand on my back felt comforting.

Cyrus was pulled into a hug by a man. He slapped his hand on Cyrus' shoulder. "Where were you hiding, man? I couldn't find you anywhere." Cyrus chuckled, shaking his head. The man's gaze dropped on me.

"And who is this beautiful lady?"

"Blaine, meet Isabelle. Isabelle, this is Blaine, my friend." Cyrus introduced us. I shook his hand, giving him a smile. I got to know that Blaine's father is business partners with Cyrus. He met Cyrus three years ago and, from then on, they became good friends.

I never got the chance to talk with anyone when I was with my father. I actually graduated in business economics and never got the chance to look at my father's business. Nor did he allow me to apply somewhere else. I really wanted to do something for myself before I dated someone.

My father didn't give me the chance of doing any of it. He fixed my wedding with the White's. I'm not happy about it and I cannot do anything about it.

"Okay, aren't you two going to have a dance?" Blaine asked. My gaze went to the dance floor. Everyone's dancing. "Because I'm leaving to have my evening dance."

"See you two later." Blaine winked before leaving us alone. Cyrus finished his champagne and waited for me to speak something. "Nonna, wants you to meet her friends."


"She's dancing. We will meet her later."

"Okay." I watched as Pablo leaned down to kiss Beth's forehead. She laughs, sharing a joke. Pablo winks at her. Watching them brings a smile on my face.

"Do you want to have a dance with me?" Cyrus asked. Taking my hand in his. I looked up into his eyes, he was staring down at me.

"Okay." Cyrus smiled before taking me to the dance floor. He gently wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and stared at him. The song's slow and its perfect. The only time I danced with someone was in college. In high school, I wasn't lucky enough to have a dance with someone.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered. I smiled. "I was thinking of my first dance." He hummed, I continued. "I had my first dance when I was a junior in college."

"In college?"

"Hmm, high school was a blur. I didn't attend my high school farewell party." He twirled me around before pulling me back into his arms. "Why?"

"I didn't have a prom date and my father didn't allow me to attend." He clenched his jaw. "What about college?"

"I stayed in the dormitory and he was okay with it because Sara returned home." I smiled thinking about it. "I wanted to be in a relationship but nothing ever worked."


"Hmm― They weren't interested when they got to know my father." He didn't say anything nor did I say anything after. We danced to two songs before I went over to meet Beth and her friends. They were as sweet as Beth. They kept complementing how beautiful I look. It was too much and my cheeks were pink all night.


I hummed to a tune as Cyrus drove us to a restaurant. I became a bit uncomfortable when everyone started asking about my surname or whether I had any idea of Edward's corporation.

Cyrus politely asked if it was okay if we left the event. I said yes and here we are. Beth asked us to be present for the auction later in the evening but I was getting anxious. Cyrus spoke with Pablo and Beth before we left.

"You do not like the events?" I asked him.

He took his time before speaking. "I do not like to be in crowded places. I know I'm a business person but I prefer to leave early. Staying for a longer period of time in an event makes me catastrophic." I hummed at his answer.

"Crowded places or too much attention to me makes me anxious. I cannot stay for long," I said.

"I understand." Cyrus takes a right turn and we go on the service road. Cyrus told me that there's a new Indian restaurant that opened recently. Pablo suggested Cyrus the restaurant as the food was great.

It took us another ten minutes. Once we entered the restaurant, I couldn't stop looking around. I have read about Indian history, cuisine and about temple architecture but I never really been to any of the Indian restaurants before. We took our seats and ordered the food.

"You have been to India before?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yes."

"When? What was the experience?" A genuine smile was on his face as he thought about it. "My best friend Xavier was married to an Indian."

"Oh wow." I placed my hands on the table. "Tell me about it."

"It was my first time visiting India. His engagement and wedding happened in Hyderabad, India." He took a sip of his whiskey. "It was vibrant. Even Nonna and Nonno were in India for a month. We loved it there. Even if it was too humid and hot."

I laughed. "Have you been to other places?"

"Hmm... Yes. Nonna and Nonno traveled across India for a month. We have been in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and Goa."

"So you have seen the Taj Mahal?" I asked. I have seen it in my textbooks.

"Yes. Nonno proposed Nonna for the fourth time at the Taj Mahal."

"Wow." He chuckled while sharing the stories of their visit to India. I couldn't stop admiring the spark and the smile on his face. He is just an amazing human with whom everything feels right.

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