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"I am not going to marry the person you choose,"

"I am not going to marry the person you choose,"

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Isabelle POV

"Care to explain whom you met?" My father asked. His voice is dangerously calm.

"Dad, she is not innocent. She met him. She was going to run away with him. Thank god, Mick saw everything and called me. She really doesn't care about our reputation," Sara said.

"If I was going to run away. I wouldn't be in my room."

"You shut up," Father said.

To my bad luck, Sara and Mick were hooking up at the back of the mansion. They caught me jumping off the balcony and meeting Cyrus. Scared that I might do something, they called father and came up with the eloping story.

"Why do you disrespect me? Wasn't it clear that day when I said I don't want you to contact him?" He shouted, getting up from his seat.

"Father, I respect you. Which is why here I'm marrying a stranger you have decided. Even when you know about his reputation and scandalous life. If I had thought of running away, I would have done it. I stayed quiet so that your reputation is safe." I said, not wanting to back down this time.

"And tell me, father, why should I care about your reputation or about this house when you never cared about me? You never asked if I was okay marrying Mick?" He glared at me.

"Shut up, I care, that's why I decided to get you to marry Mick even though you are a bitch." He said, making me angry and it sky rocked when I saw Sara, Caroline and Mick smirk.

I let out a laugh. "If you are not that blind to see what's happening around you, you wouldn't say that. Open your eyes and see what a bitch your sweet pie is. Who would sleep around her sister's soon-to- be husband?"

Everything happened in slow motion and the sound of getting slapped echoed in the house, making me look down because of the impact of my father's hand connecting with my cheek. My father slapped me because I called his sweetpie bitch.

"I'm not going to marry the person you choose."

"You will be marrying Mick in two days. Even if I had to kill you, I would not think for a moment!" I let out a chuckle.

"Then I will wait for that day, and let me tell you, Mr Dave Edwards. I, Isabelle Faye Edwards, don't take any shit from anyone and I'm never going to marry that bastard!" I shouted before leaving for my room.

If he doesn't think about my future, why should I care about his rubbish reputation? I'm not here to take flying fucks from everyone.

I signed before falling flat on my stomach on the bed.


My thoughts were broken when the door was opened.

"Mam, sir told, to inform you that we will be leaving in two hours," the househelper said. She didn't wait for my reply. I would have difficulty running away in a foreign place. I closed my eyes feeling tired and soon sleep took over.

"Wake up ugly bitch!" I opened my eyes to see a very irritated Sara.


"We are leaving now." She said before dragging me by my hand from the bed. She didn't even wait for me to use the washroom. She just dragged me out of my room. I looked at the watch on the wall to see it was 1:00 am. I can't think straight now that I don't have much time left with me.

After five hours, we reached Washington, DC. Father has his own warehouse here, which has tight security. I couldn't go out. They brought me here because it would be difficult for me to leave. I couldn't contact Cyrus.

I looked out from the locked window of the room. Everyone was there as they were working on the things for tomorrow's wedding. Sara told me that the wedding was going to take place in the city outskirts, which is an hour's journey from here. I thought about the plan which I'm going to make tomorrow.

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