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Briar's POV

Rosé, my friend, shouted from a distance, "Briar, you can do it!"

I gulped hard as my throat was dry, took a few steps towards the corridor I turned back and saw five bastards, signalling me to go forward.

I was scared and trust me that's an understatement

Of course, who wouldn't be? I was given a dare to steal the student record book from the principal's office. I still don't understand why do they want it? But recalling back our game last night at the dorm, I cursed under my breath for choosing dare.

"Fuck you." I mouthed and saw them giggling at me from a distance.

It was cold, yet a stream of sweat ran down my spine and every step felt like dragging a brick by each of my shoes. I was clearly reluctant to move forward, but there's a fine line between apprehension and achievement. And I was very arrogantly trying to challenge my fear.

Tightly holding the door handle of the office, I looked through the key hole, enquiring if someone was in there. Luckily there was nobody. I slowly opened the door and tiptoeing, moved forward. My eyes moved all around the room.

As sophisticated as a room can be, the principal's office enhanced the huge chandelier just with its dark walnut wood covering the entire place. The outer office wall had a huge painting of three wild horses dominating the centre.

The lush carpet draped beside the rich couch reminded me of how this simple piece of furniture was my sole reason to ever stand in the student council elections. I was still in middle school when I realised the senior student council always had access to this beautiful office, which made me want to also become a part of the same. As childish as it may seem, I was still able to achieve my goal.

Well, the chances of me being caught was less since, the school captains are allowed the access to the outer office, where I was most likely to find the book. I had no time to kill so, I started searching. But sadly, I saw nothing but numerous magazines and newspapers.

The habitat of the place is always strangely dense and extremely quiet. I could hear my breath and each step I took, with great accuracy even though my movements were faint and voiceless. I eagerly wanted to move out of the office and kept praying to find the printed work.

I looked all through the outer office but couldn't find it. Then my eyes shifted to the inner office's wooden door which spelt 'Wilson' on a silver plate shining as the light of the chandelier hit it. Resisting to push off my values of a good school captain to the edges, I suddenly was reminded of the absence of our principal. She has been out of the school for about a month now, so the chances of someone showing up were equivalent to zero.

After debating for another second, I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Goosebumps rose all over my body, considering how chilly the room was. My eyes roamed around and landed on the precious material I was looking for. The student record book, kept in the shelf behind the principal's chair like a trophy decorated in a podium.

Mind was filled with ecstasy, the kind of excitement I felt on my birthday last year. Just when I was about to take it, I heard someone coming out of the washroom. 'FUCK!' A gasp almost escaped my mouth but I smashed my hand against my lips hurriedly sliding behind the principal's table.

For the first time in my life, I was scared to breath. Somehow, I sensed the person was on the other side of the room, so, I decided to take a sneak peek. Landing my eyes on a man in a black shirt. Running my brain motors, I recalled all the staff members of the school, but this person was unknown to all my possible guesses. I had questions.

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