18. The Hug

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Gareth's POV
I went near them, they were all talking. The atmosphere around them was filled up with so much unawareness, that they didn't notice me, even when I wasn't very far from them.

I stood there, waiting for them to notice me, for another few seconds. Then I finally cleared my throat, announcing my arrival.

They all noticed me and got straight. They all stood with their heads down and wished me.

"Good morning sir" they said.

"Good morning" I said, but my eyes, very involuntarily were fixed on Briar.

"Why are you all out? You don't have any classes?" I asked.

"Sir it's our P.E. class. The period is about to get over, that's why Mr. Tyler gave us leave" Gretchen said.

I remember these night out students and can possibly never forget them.

I noticed them wearing shorts and T-shirts. I saw how sexy Briar was looking. Those short shorts, showcased her beautiful legs. The T-shirt covered her body very nicely, defining her curves.

She looked cute.

And! I'm doing it again! I'm fantasizing! I must be insane.

I shook my head, trying to put away these fantasy thoughts. Even when I know, this effort was useless.

"Get back to your classes soon" I said.

I was about to walk away when I heard an irritating voice, a deep one.

"What if they don't?" Bradley said.

I turned around and saw him furrowing his eyebrows. It clearly looked how irritated he got.

I wanted to get angry but instead I laughed on him.

"I don't think you'll disobey me. Right girls?" I said looking at them.

Of course, after that night, I don't think they have the courage to disagree or not obey my orders. I just looked at them, and I could see how scared they got.

They all nodded and I gave a smirk to Bradley. They were all about to go away when I heard Bradley said something.

I was about to turn around and give a reply but I heard Charlotte.

"It's okay Bradley, we'll talk later"

I didn't turn around and soon left. Though I was still mad about her being near him. But it wasn't my place to say anything about it.

She's not my girlfriend or wife.

What if she becomes?


I abruptly shook my head. These thoughts are getting wild everyday.

I entered my office and drank a glass of water to calm myself down. I still can't get over the fact that I'm fantasizing about a student of mine.

Who's literally half my age!

God! I'm starting to hate myself.

I went towards my chair and sat down. My eyes were on the computer screen when suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said without removing my eyes from the screen.

The person entered inside. I expected him or her to say something but when they didn't, I asked without looking at them.

"Yes? What happened?"

The person still didn't say anything. But this time I stopped my work and made my eyes move in their direction.

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