11. Attraction?

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Gareth's POV
My book is finally finished after almost a week. It was really exhausting.

After finishing the book the first thing I did was text my mom, about my achievement.

She was happy, but her condition is deteriorating everyday. I really wanted to meet her but she specially gave an instruction to dad that he would not let me leave the school on its own.

She wants me to take care here,  though I miss her a lot.

My office is also renovated and now it's more dark. I wanted it to have dim yellow lights and wooden work.

Like a combination of modern and old architectural style. And honestly, I'm impressed.

They made it exactly how I wanted it to be. It's really cool.

Well, our school's annual day is coming soon. So the entire school is involved in its preparation. Dances, songs, speeches, plays and many sport games are on the way.

And of course, for me as well, the work, again has increased.

The council members and teachers are planning the event. Because it's going to be my first big event in school so I'm very excited.

Well, I was meeting briar frequently these days and I got to know a lot about her.

It's not like I'm interested but just some facts you get to know about a young teenage girl.

She loves chocolate ice-cream, is a computer savvy, not very good in sports, her favourite teacher is Mrs. Jones, she's a Canadian, allergic to peanut butter, loves apple and banana, and finally the most amazing part I got to know.

She's scared of rats. Like deathly afraid.

Even if you say the word 'rat', she makes an irritated face. 

She didn't tell me all this but I discovered it through conversations with teachers and students.

You know how free the students are with me. And too Brair is one of the most favourite student of many teachers, especially Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones doesn't have a daughter and if she would've got one, she wanted her to be like briar.

If we talk about her physical features, then my favourite is her hair.

They're shiny, light brown and long. Not straight, not curly either. You can say somwhere in the middle.

That's because sometimes her hair appears too straight and sometimes too curly. So you can't say they're wavy either.

But I personally like them the most. They're very silky and soft. The fragrance of her shampoo fills the room when she enters and I like it.

I was in the office, reading some documents. I looked at my watch and it was around 10:00 am.

I was engaged enough not to distract myself, but my source of distraction came at the door.

I heard a soft knock. I lifted up my face to see the person and it was her.


She looked little different today. Then I noticed her hair were half tied. Her baby bangs covered her forehead. Those light brown eyes stared at my greyish ones.

And some words escaped her perfect plumped lips.

"May I come in, Sir" she said and I shook my head a little coming back to reality.

I then nodded, granting her the permission.

Why the hell was I fantasising about her features a second ago?! 

She came in with a file and kept it on my table. My eyes just followed her actions, taking note of every detail she was doing.

And trust me I didn't want to, it felt as if I was not in my control.

I felt like staring at her.

Then she stood straight and said "Sir, this file has the temporary details of all the performances students would be doing"

I nodded.

"Mrs. Lara said that if you want to add or cancel any, you can do so" she said.

"the practice has already started?" I asked.

"yes, but only the basic speeches and some other stuff" she said.

"stuff?" I said with a sarcastic smile and she blushed.

"I mean, the important decorations and theme planning" she said with her head down.

I hummed.

"And, yes sir, ma'am has also given this pendrive. She said that it has the list of basic occasion sequence which is followed in all the programmes and also our previous annual day's video" she said taking out a pendrive from her pocket.

"play it" I said.

She nodded.

Then she came closer to my desk and plugged in the pendrive. Then she bent down a little to open the file in the computer.

She was close to me, as I didn't really stood up from my position, I was sitting on the chair.

So you can imagine what our positions were.

She was close enough, giving me a whiff of her hair. And trust me they smelt pleasant.

I looked at her and noticed that she has a little mole on her right cheek. Which was just too alluring for me to stare.

I suddenly sensed that the close proximity, gave her tension and made her feel uncomfortable.

She was taking heavy breaths and not making eye contact with me.

I wasn't able to see her face but That's when I realise what I was doing.

I came back to reality and moved back on my chair, getting up quickly.

I then hurriedly went towards my couch. I picked up the glass of water from the table. Now my back was facing her.

I was embarrassed by my actions a few seconds ago. I couldn't really make eye contact with her.

"just save it on the desktop, I'll see it later" I said in a low voice

Then gestured her to move out.

"Okay sir" she said.

I could sense the uncomfortableness she was feeling, even in her voice.

What the hell was I doing?!

She quickly did her work and moved out of the room. I watched her going out.

As soon as she moved out I released a deep breath. And palm slapped my head.

"Are you out of your mind Gareth" I said to myself.

"wow! Now she won't even look at me properly" I said in frustration.

But again a thought made its way in my brain.

Even if she's not talking. So why should it bother me?!


She's just a student and it's good that she stays away. At least these stupid scenarios and me fantasising about her, would stop.

I don't know what to name this feeling. Is it attraction? Or am I out of my mind?

I don't know! I just don't want myself to act this way with her, ever again.

Oooh! Attraction?!

Let's see if this mere attraction turn out to be something more or not?

Well, I hope you liked this chapter.

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