14. Party pt.2

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Gareth's POV
I was tired and very sleepy. Today was a long day with a lot of work.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas and T-shirt after taking shower, all ready for sleep. I looked at the clock it was almost midnight.

I laid down on my bed comfortably, diving under the sheets. It was warm and it felt good to relax my back after the tiring day.

I streched my body releasing the pain, blessing myself with a good sleep. But my relaxation came on a dramatic halt when I heard the noise of a glass broke.

I suddenly got up and went outside my room to check what happened. Of course I couldn't really find where the glass broke and only one first person came in my mind.

Security Gaurd.

I quickly went towards the back gate, but there was no sight of him. I waited for a while and soon he came running towards me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing sir, just a window broke" he said panting.

"How? Is everything Okay?" I asked worried.

"Don't know sir. But everything is Okay" he said confirming.

Although I nodded but I didn't get a satisfied feeling. Eventually, I returned to my quarter.

Don't know if my heart is not able to trust this new security guard or I'm just thinking too much about that.

I again layed down in bed. But my mind constantly revolved around that broken glass. It didn't feel good.

I felt as if something is wrong but I don't have anything to suspect about. So, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Though my sleep was not a deep one.


It was late night when I suddenly woke up. I looked at the clock and it was two o'clock in the morning.

I heard the noise of a car. But who is driving it in the school campus at this hour?

Though the voice of the car was not very loud. But because I wasn't in the mist of a deep sleep, I heard the noise.

I quickly got up, going towards the back gate as I heard the voice coming from there more clearer.

As I reached there, I saw the Gaurd sleeping in such a deep sleep that he didn't even woke up a bit.

This is why I didn't feel like trusting him. I shook my head and opened the gate going out to check.

I walked looking around everywhere. It was cold at night and everything was way too dark.

It was the darkest hour of the night. The streetlight was showing me the way. I walked through the lane and soon my eyes landed on a beautiful red coloured Ford car.

As I got closer I saw that it's not just a car, but it also carries passengers.

First, I didn't feel like checking it but then, my mind pinned me and told me that it's a school campus and no one lives here.

I furrowed my eyebrows and got closer, curiously.

I soon reached near the car and I saw something unbelievable.

The passengers were non other than my school students!!

I got extremely angry. Seems like they're taking advantage of my leniency way too much.

I was all ready to burst my anger balloon on them. I planned of calling their parents and suspending them from school.

I felt so bad, I got upset. Why do these children do these things? Why do they want me to show them my demon face?

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