3. why?!

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Briar's POV

For the first time in my life, I felt like I shouldn't have been the head-leader.

"Good morning, students." He said, bending to speak in the mic. I could hear some girls from behind, already falling for him.

"Due to some very severe reasons Mrs. Wilson is not present amongst us. She may or may not be able to join the school again. As already said by your teacher, we must keep her in our prayers." He continued.

"I look forward for having an amazing time with all of you, because everyone has something new to teach in your life. It depends on you, how you take it. Thank you. Have a great day everyone." He said and smiled, with the claps roaring the hall once more.

He stepped down the stage and walked out the door, right in front of me. My breath being uneven, as it had been, a heavy feeling my chest just never left. The drum started playing, indicating the students have to be dispersed. I almost jolted when someone tapped my shoulder as I was deep immersed in the thought of the early morning incident.

I abruptly turned around and saw Mrs. Adrienne, our staff manager, standing with a few folders in her hand.

"Good m-morning ma'am." I stuttered as her presence was sudden.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking concerned, because I rarely act so out of the place.

"Yes ma'am, I'm fine." I said, nodding, letting out a weak smile.

"that's good. Also, Mr. Wilson is asking for the student council. You take all the students with you, to his office quickly." she said and I just nodded, trying to register the hasty occasion.

But as reluctant as I was, I still had to call out for the student council. Knowing what happened in the gallery at daybreak, my steps were unwilling. Having our little crowd on the way to his office, wasn't too bad, but my mind revolved around bad outcomes. I just kept thinking about what's going to happen once we reach there. Is he going to tell everyone about what I did?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled under my breath.

I stood in front of the huge gate and slowly opened the door, raising my heartbeat in the process. The incident was very fresh in my head and so is his' according to my assumption. I knocked on the inner office door, revealing only my face to the person inside.

"May we come in, sir" I said in low, sweet voice.

He looked up and his sarcastic smile appeared just when he saw my face. From the morning till now, the sheer thought of him making fun of me inside his brain was very much visible from his facial expressions. Even though his smile was like as pleasant as a dream, I was only unnecessarily bothered by it. Not in a good way.

"Yes, please come in." He said, standing up from his seat, making his way in front of the huge table.

An involuntary annoyed expression came on my face and I heard him chuckle a bit. But I did not dare to make eye contact with him. I don't want to make things more awkward and embarrassing between us. Because he seems to thoroughly enjoy it while I pray to commit non-existence. We all stood in front of him and he folded his arms around his broad chest.

"Good morning." He said with a comforting smile.

"Good morning, sir." We said in unison.

"So, do you know why I called you all here?" He said and I shook my head.

"Well, you all know I'm new here." He said, letting out a chuckle.

"So, in the beginning I really need your help. Okay?" His smile was so warm that everyone seemed to get comfortable, with his voice calm and pleasant to my ears.

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