2. new principal

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Briar's POV

I was walking with heavy steps in the corridor. Trying hard not to cry, simultaneously cursing under my breath in every possible way there is. Regretting every taking birth, I was going through a roller coaster of emotions, feeling self-hatred dominating all the others.

My legs were weirdly shaking with a trail of shivers running up and down my body. I didn't enjoy the feeling and was fighting to distract my mind when I heard a hustle as I reached to the main pathway. Many students were moving towards the main hall, I presumed. My attention was grabbed by the assembly bell ringing and I started walking with the students.

"What's happening?" A student asked me.

"Don't know. I myself just heard the bell." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Some students were saying that it's for some special announcement." Another girl behind me said.

"Maybe?" I said and kept walking till I reached the hall.

I was curious, just like majority of the people around. Hanging my hands lose I was just looking around for my friends. The noise was loud, just like every morning. I went to the front, where all the captains stand every day. The lack of motivation to engage in any sort of conversation was very well visible on my face.

I usually smile and chit-chat with students around, but in that moment, I just wanted to go and sit down somewhere. I was exhausted with no interest to even look up and make eye contact with anybody. Luckily, students were already standing in cues, so I didn't have much work, other than just standing in front.

Taking a deep breath, I made myself ready, because being a head-leader gives me a sense of self awareness and I have to be responsible. Whenever I come on this spot, I forget everything. It's like some invisible force reminds me that I have a position. An honour. A post. And I have to handle it.

Soon the 'special assembly' begun. A voice could be heard which was different from the crowd. It was grabbing everyone's attention and too, made everyone silent. The voice belonged to Mrs. Jones, our history teacher. Also, my favourite person in the school.

"A very good morning students." She said in her usual cheerful voice.

"Good morning, teacher." All the students said in unison.

"As you all know that our principal, Mrs. Wilson is not present these days, due to her medical illness. We must keep her in our prayers." She said, reminding me of how I decided to take advantage of this fact and gloom took over once again.

"As she's not able to join school, a new principal has been appointed to work on her behalf. So, I now invite our new principal, Mr. Gareth James Wilson." As her sentence completed, all the students clapped welcoming our new principal.

As the man came on stage my eyes and mouth went wide open seeing him stand at the podium. My smile faded away little stream of sweat escaped from my scalp. And the main reason for that was the man himself.

The handsome man who caught me in office, is our new principal!

I was utterly shocked and I saw my future filled up with fog. I nervously jittered at the slightest of provocation, because this situation was worse than a nightmare. I was trembling and apparently, I would pass out too, because I sincerely wished for the ground to swallow me inside.

Each cell in my body was alarmed and I tried to make out every little possibility of me just escaping the scene and hiding in the most unknown corner of the world, in short, just never be seen again. I just prayed keeping every good deed on stake just to not be noticed by this man ever.

Like that would work.

He looked far and wide with my manifestation failing miserably, because right when his eyes reached my direction, he looked at me as if studying my appearance and face. My eyes widening and breath losing its balance was enough to make him slightly smile. He was teasing me again.

I could see many girls squealing from behind seeing, that the man was not just young but even drop dead gorgeous. I don't blame them for fangirling, because I was doing the same a few minutes ago. But knowing my first impression in front of the new principal was that of a thief, I wasn't happy, rather despair was holding sway over my entire brain.

Why is he, our principal?! Ugh.

Hola my beautiful human beings.

This was it for this chapter. I know it's short. Next ones would be longer.

I'll try to update sooner! Have an amazing day ahead.

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