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Hesia smiled at me the biggest of smiles I have ever seen and hugged me. "Thank you, Perseus, I've never heard something so sweet and it is very brave of you I must say, to go against everyone's opinion and say what you wanna say" I gave her a small smile and then I cursed under my breath, Chiron. "oh no I'm late, sorry my lady but I have to go to the big house. Chiron wanted to talk to me" I got up, bowed and sprint to the big house.

Hesia's PoV

I was not expecting that. all the children of Zeus I met were all a bit different so I didn't judge him right away, but still, I expected him to have a request or a wish. Not only does he sacrificed to me and my brother, the ruler of the underworld, because of a decent reason, but he also used respect and admiration was clearly heard in his voice. I suspect his flew, in any way it can't be hubris or power hunger like must of his siblings.

Chiron's PoV

I looked over to Perseus, or as he wishes to be called, Percy, as he sacrificed to 4 deities, one of them his father. But the other 3? He noticed my gaze and I mentioned him to meet me later. I walked (i couldn't find a better word) to the house and sank deep in thought while waiting for him. His eyes showed hidden power and pride, and unlike Thalia, it looks like he was already born with a great power. In my opinion that of a minor god's level. He looked and walked strong with pride and was a mini replica of his father. I moved my gaze outside and saw that where Hestia usually sits there's another person. He bowed and ran to my direction. His actions surprised both Hestia and me. "I am sorry sir. Time flew by, and I have forgotten... " he admited . "sit" it came harsher but he didn't flinch and his face became serious and if possible, more royal. "you know perse-" "it's Percy" "-us, I've been wondering. What are you? a demigod, yes. But did you know that a presence of a child of the big 3 means danger? Do you know what the last son of Zeus did?" he looked at me "should I know? what do we have common except for that we share the same father? are you judging me? because of what my brothers did who knows when?"I felt a bit uneasy, but Percy looked like he only started "listen Chiron. you from the people should know that each and every person are different. If you are judging me I don't care. That's what you think, yes, but what will it do? kill me? no? then why say it in the first place? And what am I? I guess you'll have to wait about ahhh I don't know 40 years? I have all of my life in front of me." I was gaping like a fish and so was Hestia that has joined not so long before, though Percy still hasn't noticed her. I sighed. "I have only one question left Perseus" "ask right away" "you said you have all of your life in front of you, then why do you live for? what are you fighting for?"

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