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⠀⠀Yugyeom was quite special, you see. He was one of the first mutuals Jungkook made when he started using Twitter and fell into the hole of stan culture. Unlike Jin and Jimin and their love for pop music, Yugyeom was someone Jungkook related to for a different reason. While Jungkook loved pop, he also had a love for those "indie" pop girls that pretentious Tumblr twinks hyped up.

⠀⠀Unfortunately, Yugyeom had disappeared during the beginning of summer. He had gotten his account suspended for fighting with Taylor Swift fans and calling them "inbred, no-lip-having jars of mayo". Yeah, he was offensive.

⠀⠀Excited to have back a good friend, Jungkook rushed to compose a message to send to Yugyeom. While doing so, he also figured he'd retweet and favorite Yugyeom's tweet, not thinking of the consequences.


Gyeomie!! 😭💕


Jungkook:Ok sis this gif is lowkey bordering on local but i'll give you a pass

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Ok sis this gif is lowkey bordering on local
but i'll give you a pass. I missed you 😔

I missed you too my lil Koo 😪

But WIG how did you get your
account back? Did you give a
Twitter intern the SUCC? 🤪🙌

Still using that stan lingo i see 💀

Those fucking swifties 😒 I hope Taylor's
next album tanks now. But anyways it
was only a temporary suspension. Now
I'm back and you're stuck with me! 😝

Yay!! Now I have someone to fan over
Lana and Marina with 😍🙌 Jin and
Jimin don't have the range to appreciate
the pioneers of Tumblr and aesthetics 🤧

You still friends with those guys?

Yep! Well with Jin. The other one is on
the rocks right now 🗿 But negativity
aside how are you Gyeomie?? We need
to catch up so SPILL the tea mama 💆‍♀️

I'm good babe! Just going
to school right now. Not sure
about a major yet still haha.

What about you? Still short? 😂

Hey! Gyeomie I am not short!
You're just tall... 😔👉👈

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