Chapter 19: The Past

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Maya's POV

I can predict the future. If I go back to them, for sure they're going to ask about her. 

***FLASHBACK -- 3 years ago***

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah", I whisper looking through each room. Someone's been in my sister's house. I carefully look around for my sister, blood drops trailing me straight to her study room. I arrive there, only to see men in black suits lying on the floor knocked out. I walk towards the guest room only to be welcomed to the same scenery in her study room. I continue silently walking, looking for my sister. 


10 minutes have passed and she's nowhere to be found in her huge house. I've looked everywhere. I decide to walk outside towards the garden. 

"Sarah, Sarah", I cry with tears in my eyes. "Sarah, where are you", I ask. But no response comes.

BANG BANG. 2 gunshots.

"Sarahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", I scream. I sprint towards the sound, knocking down anyone who came in my way, only to come face to face with no one other than her boss, William Bones. Right in the centre of the back driveway.  "Sarah",  I cry relieved. 

"Maya, stay back, stay back", Sarah says hesitating. Hands tied behind her back, on her knees, blood sprouting from her ear and mouth.

"Grab her", says William, pointing straight towards me. 2 bulky built up men come strutting towards me, one with a gun and another with a knife.

They come straight towards me, cornering me from sides, 1 of the guys carrying the knife comes first, straight for my leg, I jump, quickly and confidently, sliding my foot under his, twisting his leg, and kicked causing him to slip and fall face down on the floor. Within seconds he gets up, and runs towards me holding the knife, just inches away from my cheek, however causing a rip on my ear. I didn't hesitate, I quickly elbow him, and give a powerful punch straight at his face, causing him to wobble unstably. I then give his ear a powerful high five and kick him through the middle. Within seconds, blood started sprouting from his ear, and mouth. I jumped onto him, punching his left to right constantly before grabbing his knife and swinging it in my hand. I could see William was shocked.

But I had just gotten started.

The second guy came walking stylishly towards me, grabbing my neck, and pointing the gun straight at my head, causing me to kneel. Another guy came towards me tying my hands behind my back, but luckily I had the knife in my hands. The guy dragged me by my arms toward William and passed him the gun. 

"Argghhhh, at least they'll be family around for your death", he says in an evil tone, pointing the gun straight at me. "Who shall we kill first, you pheasant or your sister, a bigger pheasant", he asks.

I look towards Sarah who has tears in her eyes. William walks towards Sarah, and smacks her hard across the face, causing more blood to fall. That's when I lost it.

"Looks like it's you young Maya, you should've listened to your sister, stayed there and none of this would've happened, you wouldn't die, you wouldn't see your sister be taken away, you know all that shit, but what can we do, you never listen do you?" he said in his usual evil sour tone.

"What do you want from my sister, William?", I ask.

"Ahh I haven't explained, well child, you see that sister of yours has convinced someone very close to me, about what type of person I am, in fact, you may know him, Jaxon, my son. And for this sin, she'll have to pay by coming with me, however, you, little girl have done something very bad, and if you continue, there'll be a serious punishment. So I suggest you stay there and do not move like a good little girl, ok darling" William replies.

He comes toward me with the gun and says, " And now since I've already bought my gun, I'm going to have to use it, but for who, ahh, now since you know my real face, you'll have to die, little girl". 

He points the gun to my head, kneeling down, Sarah screaming, but I wasn't going to die that early, however, he could. He knelt down and I sprung my leg out hitting him straight in the middle, I jump up, rip the rope with the knives, punch William straight in his face so hard, even my hang hurt, which caused him to fall on the ground. He turned to look at me, shocked. His nose was crooked, with bloop spouting out. I pointed the knife towards him, however, he jumped back up and signalled his men. 

All his men circled around me and William laughed, saying, "Hahaha little girl, to think you'd actually be able to win this, which cartoon were you watching". While saying this he wobbled towards Sarah and planted another slap on her face, causing a crack of her neck. 

This made my eyes bloodshot red, I was now unstoppable, I could feel it. I charged towards one of the guys, kicked him hard in the middle and giving him a punch straight in the face, hearing a loud crack. I take his place in the circle. The guys next to him, charge towards me in a superman position, I clench my fist, move his hands away from me, and smash him down, to become unstable, I then swing his around, causing 2 other guys to fall, walking up towards them to smash there faces. That was 4 down 2 to go. I walked towards one of the guys, who quickly pulled his gun out, but I grabbed his hand twisted it, causing him to drop the gun, picked it up and pointed it to him. Then I said, "Scatter", in a serious tone. With that the guy ran away, which left me, one guy, I turned around, only to be slashed with a knife, straight in my arm. That didn't stop me, I smacked the guy hard, straight in his ear, and kicked him back, I pulled the knife out. 

I could feel weak, but I was too close to stop now. I charged towards William, swinging the 2 knives in my hands, I threw one to him, which pinned his coat and him to the ground, I jumped straight onto him, punching, kicked, smacking him non-stop. I continued until I heard a Bang come from my right. I got off him and turned my face towards the sound of the bang. 

"S-Sa-Sarah", I stammered in shock. I turned to see her dead on the floor. A gunned man pointing at me, I charged towards him, with the second knife, swang it, pinning him to the tree, walked up to him, beating him up until he was unconscious. 

I ran towards Sarah and cried rivers. I was so close, so close, but I had lost her.  Then out of nowhere a man, with a group of men that looked like spies, came running towards me. I stood up and said, "Stay away, I won't let you take her, GO AWAY, what do you want. YOU'VE KILLED HER ALREADY, GOOOOOOOOOO", I screamed at them. They came towards me, the man said, "Hey, hey, shhhhhh, What happened here? Listen you can trust me, what happened here?" 

I only pointed to William. He walked towards him and punched him, I asked, "Wh-why di-did y-you d-do th-that?" 

"This man doesn't deserve to live, he's killed millions", The man replied.

"Ex-cuse m-me s-sir, m-my s-s-sister g-got s-shot, c-can y-you p-please c-call a-an am-bulance", I asked hiccuping with tears.

Boy, bring the ambulance HURRY", he shouted. With that some boys came, carrying a stretcher putting my sister on it and running back to the ambulance, I ran after them, so did the man. 

"WAIT, WAIT, SARAHHHHHHHHHHH", I shouted helplessly, as the boys took her away, I dropped down in the driveway shattered, crying in pain. the man came and kneeled before me and said, "Young one, my name is Ferhat Aslan, I am the leader of Aslanars, a gang, that protects people from people like William, I see that you fought all those men alone, I can help you, together we will give that man a consequence, I promise you, would you like to join the gang, my child", he asked. 

I simply nodded.

"Come, my child, come",  Ferhat said.

That was the last time I ever saw my sister.


I'm going to take a vacation, away from everything, whenever I remember her, it takes a while to get over it. 

"Derek, I'm going away".

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