Chapter 52: Final Fight P3

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Maya's POV

William has a knife in his hand and is aiming down straight at my heart. He has strength double mine, yet I have no idea how he hasn't reached.

I notice his eyes darting around the room and anger filling in them as he pushes harder. I too look around the room and notice no hostages around anymore.

I push him off with all my might, as he hits his head on the car, and I flip up. "What the HECK WILLIAM, WHERE ARE THEY?" I shout at the top of my lungs. I run and grab his knife, and threaten to push it when he doesn't reply. Blood covers his face as I feel my own do the same.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" I yell in his face as he breathes, and gives me cold eyes. I let go of his neck and walk backward. He couldn't have.

As I stumble backward, William lunges up and runs at me with full speed. I want to dodge him but I feel frozen. Just an inch away as William could most likely knock me out, 2 longs legs, from both sides of me emerge. I look to my left and right and see 2 men, dressed in black attire, with both legs stuck out, kicking William to the floor. I look at the two as they fight William together.

Soon I feel the presence of other people. So I turn around and am correct. 4 other guys stand behind me in a position ready to fight, but looking at me, they lower their guards.

"Maya", one speaks as I look up to him. It can't be. Everyone was in lockdown. How could they possibly be here? He lifts his mask up and I gasp.


"Get a grip, Maya. Let's finish this once and for all", he encourages me, and I give him a nod.

Derek whistles, notifying the other two guys to stop and join back with us. 

William glances at me, and pulls out his gun, and begins shooting nonstop. We all get under some cover and pull out our guns. 

"COVER ME", I yell as everyone forms a line and begins shooting from behind me, allowing me to hide behind where William is hiding. 

As the bullets stop, William appears and begins shooting, while running into a different room. I quietly slip in as well. 

In the room, there are a couple of guards. In anger, William shoots all of them dead. He pulls out his phone and begins dialing a number.

"Mike. Get me f****** out of here NOW", he yells into the phone.

"Ok, ok, where", he says getting up and shutting the doors of that room. "It's BULLETPROOF", he shouts out to the rest of my team. "In a couple of minutes, you'll all die and I'll be free yet again. Shame on you b**** Maya, you thought you could get me, you thought you could kill me. Well your wrong", he tells himself.

I swoop out from under the table and into his sight of view. 

"I don't think so", I tell him as he spins around quickly, loading his gun and shoving his phone back in his back pocket. He aims the gun to me and begins shooting as I slowly dodge each bullet reaching up to him, kicking his gun out of his hand and giving him a heavy punch in the face. 

"Argh", he grunts.

We leap onto each other, punching, kicking, smashing the crap out of each other. It all comes quickly without a break.

Out of nowhere, 2 guys come running into the room. Each grabs one of my arms, and pin me to the wall.

"This is goodbye Maya", William says before loading his gun once again and shoots it straight at me.

I didn't think he would for some reason. I thought there was something more to it than just killing me. I didn't even ruin anything of his yet he killed multiple families. 

I feel the pain from the bullet just reaches my stomach. I'm guessing the vest stopped it, but just only.  I sigh in relief, which wasn't such a good idea, and now I understand. After I sighed, I heard many more bullets shoot out. Where they went, I was unaware, but I knew one thing for sure. I was feeling very very weak and dizzy, maybe wizzy? This is what happens when you get shot, you start losing your mind.

William walks up to me as I slide down the wall. He kneels before me, and speaks, "See you in hell", before getting up, and shooting the other 2 of his men, and dropping the gun in one's hand, and replacing it with the others.

'It's now or never Maya', I remind myself. Reaching out for the gun in a huge amount of pain, I finally reach it, and without hesitating, I shoot William's legs and watch him fall down unbalanced. He glares at me with deadly bloodshot eyes. 

He changes the gear on his gun and sprays out bullets, all along the wall, and no doubt, at least one did hit me. The pain is becoming unbearable. To be honest, I've never been shot with more than 3 bullets, and that time I just barely survived.

My eyes become heavy, and eventually, it becomes dark.


After Maya and Z left us in lockdown, we found a way to get out. Of course a couple of days late. We knew where Zaira was because of the tracker she had. When we arrived there, she was in Lockdown, and that meant Maya went head on head. 

I honestly hate her stubbornness.

Z told us where she was headed. We all, including the boys, my family, Z, Zain, the gang, and the police all set out a plan and went in.

The boys as in Jax, Lucca, Ash, Alec, and Jet were in charge of Hostages. The police were out collecting each guard we knocked out, and on the outer borders. Ela and Naz were with the girls when they reached safely, giving medical attention. Meanwhile, Ferhat, Zain and I, and shortly joined by the boys were with Maya.

Unfortunately, William was able to hide out in a bullet-proof room, and when there was no sign of Maya, I figured she was in there. 

if something happens to Maya, I won't hesitate to kill.

Looking in through the glass I see Maya and William fighting over a gun, but then... 

"Oh CRAP", I muffle out.

"What happened?" Josh asks, shaking my shoulder, as the door slowly opens up. 

We all run in, without giving an answer. Everyone except myself, Zain and Josh run over to Maya. 

"Maya, oh my god, you have to be alright. Wake up, argh Maya wake up", I whisper.

"Go get him", comes a small voice. I look down to see her breathing in my arms. 

"You heard her go you guys, I'll look after her", I promise, as they run following the rest of the crew. 

"You'll be alright, trust me", I tell her, as I pick up her body.

"No, Derek, go after him. You need to do it, I'm not going anywhere, I promise, just go after him please", she tells me.

She's lying.

"No Maya, I'm not leaving you", I tell her.

"Derek, don't break the promise", she reminds me. Argh dammit, why do I make these promises? I look down at her hopeful eyes. I don't wanna leave her but I know I have to do it.

"Ok, stay here, we'll be back for you soon", I tell her leaning her against the wall. I get up and run out of the room, exchanging one last glance before returning to the route.

She's lying...

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