Chapter 23: No work -- Italy

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Jax's POV

"I swear, he legit frecking said, 'oh he's sleeping' then he says, 'he's coming', what the actual hell? How can a guy not know about the guy who's living in his own house, they're frecking brothers! I swear there's something going on. Ferhat didn't even relate to anything I asked him, so that means he knows something but he's not telling us, damn it", I explain to the boys.

"Yeah well we kinda came at night, the guys a busy man, maybe he was just tired", Jet says.

"Or maybe Derek went out without telling him, and the last time Ferhat saw him was when he was asleep, I swear, it happens with me all the time", Alec says, gesturing like a girl and finishing with a female sound.

"Yeah it's probably something like that", Ash adds.

"Nah guys I think Jax's on to something here, why would Ferhat suddenly change the tone and speak super fast when he sees us, isn't that weird? And why would he tell us to do inside info? He's always the one helping us, doing digital stuff, you know", Lucca says, bringing everyone's attention.

"See, I'm onto something, listen we need to find someone who seriously knows what they're on about like they can find history about the person within hours", I say, winking at Lucca.

"Hey, what about your DAD", Alec announces suddenly. 

'Dad', hmm not a bad one, all I know is that around 5 years ago he used to be in a gang, apparently he's not in it anymore but I think he is, he's always on late night calls, saying super suspicious stuff, legit. Not a bad idea, it might work.

"That's not a bad idea, lets call him", I tell them, flipping my phone out.

I scroll down to DAD's number and press it, it rings...

"Yo Jaxon, what's up my boy", dad say's into the phone.

"Hey dad, I'm here with the guys and we have a request", I say showing him all of us.

"Sure, what is it?" He asks. I explain the whole hunches and situation and wait for what he has to say.

"Well son, I still know some people from the gang, we can ask them to do some information, could you my boy, find a young picture of her, I think I may know her from years ago", he says.

"Really dad, yeah I'll send you somethings, thanks dad", I say jumping excitedly.

"Sure son", he says.

"Thanks WIlliam", the guys say. "Bye", we all say.

He ends the call, and we all set off to look for young pictures, I already have one.

*** 5 minutes later ***

"Anyone got anything", I ask breaking the silence.

"Hmm, hmm, I'm awake, what are we doing again?" asks Alec.

"We're looking for pictures of girls, I already got some", says Lucca.

"Oh, of Zaira", says Ash, raising a brow.

"N-no", Lucca says hesitating.

"Yeah, I thought so", says Ash. "GUYS, we're meant to be looking for Maya's pics", I say frustrated. "Jet, what you got?" I ask, since he was still looking at him. Alec walks up to him, and says, "Oh la la, looks at Romeo here, looking at Sofia are we, awww". I look up to him, smirking. He quickly turns his phone off and gets up and says, " I can't be bothered, remember guys we have an assignment due for Social Studies".

"OH SHIT, SOCIAL STUDIES, when's it due?" asks Lucca, flying up.

"At the end of the week", Jet says calmly.

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