Chapter 6: Their Stories!

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"Good mornin', sleepin' beauty. I was just on my way to wake you up." Tony exclaims, as I walk down the stairs from the roof, meeting him on his way up.

"Morning Tony." I respond glumly, with my puffy eyes looking at the ground. I was thinking how much of a cry baby I've became. But in this case, I think I could be excused.

"Hey, don't be so down. No one blames you. Well, except Golden, but Golden has no right, ok? And Golden's- well....Golden, if you get my gist." Tony says, trying to cheer me up. I smile a little for his generous cheer up. It makes me feel a little better.

"Thanks. It means a lot." I give him a slight smile and walk with him to the main room.

A thought comes to mind. I ask, "How did you know I was on the roof?" He looks at me and grins a cheshire grin.

"A little bird told me." He says teasingly.

I don't get a chance to respond because we make it to the main room. Looking around, I realize how much I missed the first day here. I observe how the boys socialize. They look like they are having a good time. Laughing, teasing, joking, and small talk could be heard from each corner of the room.

Derek comes up and ushers me to some couches in the corner, as Tony leaves to go talk with a boy with mullet hair. Derek hands me a protein bar and I thank him with a small 'thank you.' I notice him rube the back of his neck, like he didn't know what to say.

"It's all right. You don't have to cheer me up or say anything. I'm feeling a little bit better." I give him a little smile. And he nods with a small, thankful smile in reply. His smile broadens as we notice laughter in the far corner of the room. I look to see Leo playing with the older boys. It brings a real smile to my face.

"Are you two brothers? You and Leo?" I turn to him and ask out of curiosity. He jolts from the suddenness of my question, but starts to smile nostalgically.

"We're adoptive brothers. It's hard to believe, though." *laughs*

"Yeah. He looks like a mini you." I laugh, as well. "How did you become adoptive brothers? Well, let me back up. What is you twos story?" I

"Hmmm, our story, huh?" Derek says, putting on a thinking face. "I'll start with where I was born. My first twelve years, I lived in the Impossible's base with my mutant parents, who were Impossible agents. After my mom was-" he stops and looks at me apologetically and then continues. "-killed, my dad became really protective of me. He started to take me on missions, since he wasn't there for my mom. That way he could be with me, and protect me. One mission, we found a baby lying between his parents. They died in a way almost like they where trying to shield him. He was crying so hard, so I decided to pick him up. The baby immediately stopped bowling. That's when my dad decided to adopt him." Derek confesses.

"We decided to call him Leo because his mom had the name engraved in a silver, heart shaped necklace. We lived together for four years, the three of us. Then the last mission we had with dad, me and Leo where kidnapped. That's when I realized my powers, and we escaped, but I was shocked we traveled so far, when we were kidnapped. So I found a place to stay; a grey two story building. We lived there and made it our place, since we were to young to know how to get home. As we made a living, Leo and I decided to find other children like us, who needed a place to stay. And that brings us here today." Derek finishes with is arms outstretched, emphasizing everything and person in the room.

I look around, socking in everything. My eyes lay on Tony and I call him over.

Tony walks towards us. "What's up? You look like your in a better mood. So what can I do for you." Tony says to me.

"Yeah. I was wondering what your story is." I ask, curiosity killed the cat.

He looks at me with a sad expression that I've never seen him have. Though, he quickly replaces it with a sad smile, and looks to the ground. "Ahh, that's a tough one. I don't have much of story. Pretty simple, actually. I lived with my mom and dad. No siblings. They didn't have a clue about the other mutants, so I was kept away from other people. That way they wouldn't find out about me being a mutant and try to hurt me. Feeling lonely, I escaped the house one dark, moonless night. When I got back an hour later I found my parents not there. I searched and searched, but couldn't find them were they were sleeping. At the time I didn't understand the meaning do why our house was trashed out, but I soon realized the reason. After that, I ran and bumped into the two brothers." He looks at Derek and then to Leo.

"I'm sorry about your parents." I respond, but he just shacks his head and says. "The past is in the past. All I can do is move on." His smile returns, then, and I am filled with relief to see him smiling again.

My mind starts to wonder from the conversation, as Tony and Derek reminisce. I start wondering what is all the boys stories around me. Looking into there faces now, I see that they, as well, have moved on from their lives before. I am glad that at least they are happy and content.

Even after I think about that, I find myself still looking. As if I was looking for a certain individual. It finally registers who I'm looking for.

"What about Golden?" The two boys look at me with raised eyebrows and Derek asks, "What?"

"What's Golden's story?" Tony and Derek look at each other. What is up with boys and their habit at looking at each other in order to have a silent agreements or convo's (conversations)! Tony speaks up.

"Golden's story is quite a mystery actually. Even I don't know that much about him. I can't tell you what he did the seven, eight years we didn't know each other, but I can tell you how we met." I nod my head letting him know that I was good with just that.

Tony starts to talk. "It was about a year that I'd been with Teenage Impossible, and we had grown in numbers real quick. It happened suddenly, one day, when we went on our daily search for kid mutants. We where attacked, but we managed to win. Having found our abilities, and all, helped us. We went and hide in an abandoned building, just in case the people had friends. That's when Derek notices a dark figure in the corner. He says 'Come out, kid.' And a kid about a year younger then me, in a hood and sunglasses, steps out from the dark. His hands were shacking, glowing with golden light. It was another mutant kid, I had thought." Tony says with enthusiasm.

"Derek then comes closer to the kid, but the kid backs away. 'Don't be afraid. We are just like you.' Derek's eyes start to glow and the kid lets Derek approach him. 'Whats your name, kid.' Derek asks. The kid looks up at Derek and says 'I no longer have a name.' He croaks, trying to hold back emotion. I look at Derek. Then I step in to the conversation. 'Then we'll call you Golden.' I stick out my hand then. He looks down at my hand hesitantly. Looking back up, he sees me smiling, and he finally clasps my hand saying 'I'm Golden, then. Whats yours?' And I respond with 'Tony.' From then on we have been sorta friends, in his eyes. Him, my best friend to me."

Tony grins at his final sentence Finding the ending a little funny.

"Wow!" Is all I say. He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't know much about his own best friend.

"I think its about time we got back to doing things around here. Go mutant finding and other things." Derek says.Tony sighs at the thought of work.

"Ok, I'll just go back up stairs then." I teasingly say 'have fun' and I head up the stairs to my room.

As I walk to my room, Golden, out of no where, walks past me.

"Keep out of my business, understand?" I'm taken aback by his tone. It sounded as if he was asking me almost tiredly and not demandingly.

"Or there's a chance you might get hurt." He finishes and walks of. There's the comment I was expecting. I think sarcastically. But even then, the comment wasn't what I was expecting. Contradicting, huh?

But it didn't sound like a threat. It sounded more like a... warning. Like he's scared he'll hurt me... And maybe even himself.

----------Hey everyone. I'm trucking it this weekend. ;) Two chapters In a weekend. Not so bad. If there's any advice or comments from anyone, I'd much appreciate them! Thanks!----------

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