Chapter 8: Fiera's Lecture

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"What are we going do?" Asks Kyler with an edge of distress. Of course no one answers him, with every wondering he exact same thing.

Once Golden used his light in order for us to get away, we headed to the lake. We arrived with all of us intact. Well.....except one. Kyler was quick enough to use his powers to grab Derek's body, so at least we can bury him. To say everyone is in shock is an understatement. Tony's sitting at the base of a tree with his head in his hands. I bet, not only does he feel like he couldn't do anything to prevent Derek's death, but he also feels terrible that he lost concentration and almost got more of us killed. Leo has his head over Derek's body, crying streams of tears. It must me lonely knowing the only family you have left, that you know of, is now gone. The rest are about the same, staring out at something, but, yet, nothing. Not knowing what to do without their loving leader.

The only one who doesn't seem to be reacting is Golden. He's just doing his usual thing; staying away from the rest of us, ignoring us. It makes me mad he's not showing any loss to Derek's death, but I tell myself other wise. Golden, even though his anger got the best of him at times, was the most loyal to Derek. That's what I observed these past six months. In his own way, I think he kinda looked up to Derek. Maybe this is the way he copes with these things, or maybe it's not time for him to grieve.

I lean against a rock, looking out at the others. I, myself, am asking the same question as Kyler. What should we do? I stick my hand in my pocket and feel something like paper. Taking it out, I realize its the letter that Derek gave me. I must have put it in my pocket during the trip here. I read the front.

~To Fiera only~

I open it up, and begin to read Derek's letter.

Dear Fiera,

Most likely I've probably past away if I gave you this. You are probably wondering why I had a this letter prepared. To tell you the truth I was kinda suspicious on why the Doei Doei hadn't found us yet. I figured that they would launch an attack soon, but I didn't know when, so I wrote this just in case something happened to me.

The first thing I want to say is don't blame yourself, Fiera. You have no right to blame yourself. Neither does the boys. We new what we where getting into when we decided to protect you. Your a part of the family.

I smile sadly at his part. Typical Derek. He new I would try and blame myself. He's caring enough to write that in his last letter. I read on.

I know my brother is probably devastated right now, and for that I'm truly sorry. I would have liked to spend more time with him and watch him grow, but my duty is to protect all my family. I hope he someday realizes this. Most the time I try not to ask people for things, but I have one thing to ask of you; please take care of my little brother.

Tears start to come to my eyes. I'll try my best, I say silently to Derek. I wipe my eyes and finish reading the last paragraph.

Knowing everyone, they probably are lost without me. *I Chuckle* I guess there is one more thing I must ask of you, Fiera. Convince their new leader. He's really stubborn and he'll probably need a lot of convincing, but out of all them, he has the mind to make quick decisions in tough situations, though he might not realize it yet. You know who I'm talking about. All I have to say is good luck!

And be a family,

Derek Stone

I look up from the letter and put it back in my pocket. I know what to do!

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