Chapter 8

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*Short chapter this time, since it's a TRIPLE update*
Rita was sitting in front of the warm fire, wrapped up in her father's arms and sitting next to her sister, laughing at the ridiculousness of her father's dad jokes. "You know why I don't like a bunch of trees together?" he asked her. Both sisters asked "Why?".  "'Cause they're kind of shady".
"Dad, that was ridiculous!" Rita laughed at her dad's silliness. It had been a long time since she had such a good time with her family, but after the fiasco at school, all of them had come together to cheer her up and as an apology for ignoring her all these days. And she loved it. If only she knew that it was the last time she would laugh with her dad. Her sister. Her mom. Anyways, back to the main plot.
Rita's mom brought home baked, moist brownies to the table. "Thanks, mom!" Rita exclaimed, delighted. Her mom hadn't baked anything for her for a long time 'cause she was getting too fat. "Special treats for a special girl!' her mom smiled. They pounced upon the brownies, Rita and Manha competing about who could eat the most. After they finished eating, (Rita decidedly winning the challenge, since she could eat a lot more than her sister), they sat for another round of her dad's dreadful dad jokes.
He started with great enthusiasm "Wanna hear a joke about construction? Never mind, I'm still working on it". Rita and Manha facepalmed. Their mother giggled "What great jokes you make, sweetheart" and batted her eyelashes. Rita and Manha looked at each other and cringed. Ewww, Mom and Dad doing PDA.
Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted them. "Who can it be at 9:00 P.M?" her dad wondered aloud "I'll get the door".

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