Chapter 10

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Since Rita was officially expelled, her parents set out to find a new school for her to continue her education until they could find a new town to move to, a new nesting place for her tender but burdened wings. While her parents went out to collect forms, she went over to her best friend Jayanta's house to spend some time and talk about the recent developments of her life. Before her parents went out, her mom kissed her on the forehead and said "Love you, sweetie. Make sure you clean your room after you come back from Jayanta's!".Manha wanted to stay home, bake brownies and watch TV. Before Rita went out that day, she'd said, "Ya'll go out and be busy, but NO one can beat a combo of 'Stranger Things' and brownies" and grinned. These small details wouldn't have stuck to Rita's mind that much, except for the fact that they were the last time she ever saw her family alive, and together.
*Sorry guys for the short chapter, but it's 12:30 in the morning here, so I can't update much. Besides, it's a cliffhanger, so, I'm satisfied 😊😊😊. Hope you liked it!
                 -Gureum (Authornim)

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