Chapter 13

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"Inspector, please listen to me! I know it was Mr. Hopkirk, PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Rita almost screamed in frustration.
"Ms. Rai, I understand that you think it's Mr. Hopkirk. But we can't do anything about it since we have no proof" the inspector sighed, having tried to explain to the girl for the past half hour.
"But he raped my sister! Why don't you conduct a siemen test or something?" Rita asked desperately. "We already did. Whoever raped your sister wore protection before he did so. So, his siemen cannot be identified" the Inspector replied.
"Can't me and my sister file a lawsuit against Mr. Hopkirk?"

The Inspector looked at her like she was mad. "Well, Ms. Rai, you can do so, no one will stop you, for now. But you want some advice?" he leaned in and whispered into her ear "Don't. Steve Hopkirk is one of the most influential people in this town. He is the biggest donor from this town to organisations which fund sickness funds for white people. If you file a lawsuit against him... you'll lose everything. The whole society will turn against you and instead of getting justice, you'll turn your life into hell. Get it, Ms. Rai?"
Rita leaned out and smiled bitterly. "So what should I do? You guys will never bring me justice. Bring my sister justice. What should I do?" She started crying. The Inspector sympathetically patted her shoulder and said "We'll try our best, Ms. Rai". Rita thought, Like hell you will. She looked over at her sister. She hadn't spoken a word since the incident. She had just sat stock-still, pale and shocked while Rita answered the police's questions. My poor sister, she thought, what trauma she had to go through! And I can't even bring her justice. Just cause these fucking idiots are scared of that motherfucking Steve Hopkirk.

She growled at the mention of his name. He deserves to be hanged, she thought furiously. She walked over to her sister, to try to talk to her. "Manha?" she softly said "Talk to me please. Manha..." No response. Manha just sat, rocking back and forth. "Oh, Manha..." Rita sighed, suddenly feeling so tired. And so, so alone. I really needed you right now, Mom and Dad, she thought and let some tears fall. She was trying to be strong for her sister, but she was actually still just a teenager. It was a mammoth burden, too heavy for a teen to carry.

In the midst of her thoughts, the Inspector suddenly tapped her shoulder. "Ms. Rai? You have to go to the police station for questioning" Rita sighed again "I don't wanna leave my sister alone"
"Don't worry, ma'am. She has the police to take care of her"
But try as she might, Rita couldn't shake off a bad feeling. She whispered into Manha's ear "I'll be back soon"
She got no response from her.

*Time Skip*

Rita had finished her interrogation and the Inspector was driving her home. As they pulled into the driveway, they heard a distinct commotion coming from the house. Panic filled Rita's lungs like air. Something's wrong, she thought. She ran towards the house. She heard the sound of a door being kicked open upstairs and a collective gasp from the policemen. She ran frantically upstairs.

Only to be greeted by the heart- wrenching sight of her sister's body, hanging from the fan in their room, her lips blue, her eyes wide open but soulless and her skin cold. Beside her was a scribbled suicide note addressed to Rita. It just said
                   I'm sorry.

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