one - love

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“Happy new year, Storm!” I greeted.

My dearest nemesis responded by throwing a truck at me. Geez! And they say I destroy public property.

I raised my arm and the road in front of me shot up, creating a wall that blocked me from the oncoming vehicle. I heard people scream in the distance and realised what a good start it was to my year. If only Super Storm agreed.

“Gravel, WATCH OUT!” I heard Garnet shout but before I could react, a gush of wind punched me in the gut, throwing me against the steel vault that I had just pulled out of the bank.

“Take the money and go,” I cried back to Garnet as I felt invisible fingers pin my hands to my side and lift me off my feet. I sighed. That guy and his flair for dramatics!

“It’s the first day of the year, Gravel.” Storm levitated in front of me, both of us ten feet above the ground. Despite being out of my element I was absolutely calm about the whole scenario because, trust me, we had done this dozens of times. “Can’t you give me one peaceful day at the start of the year?” he carried on. “I am still hungover from last night!” Even with his mask covering half of his face I could tell he was annoyed and bored with our encounter. His beautiful golden locks ruffled slightly in the wind and I was pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.

I narrowed my eyes at him and would’ve folded my hands over my chest if I were able to move them. “Funny. I did not get an invitation.”

He smirked that perfect fucking flawless smirk he had and folded his strong hands over his chest. Bitch. “That’s probably because I didn’t send you one.”

Rude. I pursed my lips. “Then consider this your punishment.” I added a wink. I couldn’t help it.

Storm, of course, ignored it and groaned, irritated at the ongoing conversation. He looked down at the destruction we just caused and I followed his gaze. The roof of the bank was blown open, its vaults lay in front of it on the road; and the cars that were wrecked were all on Storm and definitely not on me, though I do take responsibility for uprooting the flyover. I scanned the place for Garnet, my trusted sidekick, but she was nowhere in sight and the money was gone. Good. I liked having Storm all to myself.

“Look, man,” I said, “I’m sorry, okay, but I’m broke and I need the money.”

From behind his mask, his sky blue eyes glowered at me. “If you need money, go get a job!”

“I have a job,” I protested.

“A real job, not blowing up the city –”

“It is a real job, Stormy,” I sighed dramatically. “It keeps you employed. I don’t have to pay taxes –”

“Alright, we are done here –”

We were so not done there. That was the part where he knocks me unconscious and hands me over to the police, and then it takes me an entire night to plan my escape – those bastards were getting smarter and smarter I swear! I was not in the mood for jail that day because it was the first day of the year and I had a dorm party to attend.

Despite being high above the ground, I sensed soil and dirt nearby in the buildings that surrounded us. I willed them to fly out of the pots, over the balconies and right onto Storm’s face, breaking his hold on me. Satan bless those kitchen gardeners!

As I dropped, I pulled the earth upwards, creating a platform for me to step on. It then slid back to the ground, thus bringing me to land safe and sound. See? I told you we had done this a lot of times!

Super Storm chased after me – no not the way I wanted him to, but for now, this way will have to suffice. I erupted columns after columns of earth and concrete, shooting them at him, but he managed to dodge each one of them. In the distance I could see the red and blue of cop cars, probably making that perimeter they are so obsessed with making.

I needed to get out of there!

Having the ability to control earth is ten times cooler when you live in a city. Not only does it mean I can control the concrete, the roads, the buildings, but I can also control pretty much everything that is woven underground. And I had been feeling the city’s water-supply pipelines at the tip of my fingers ever since I got there. I wrapped my fingers in the air, feeling the earth four feet below me, and pulled. The concrete shattered, distracting Storm for a second too long. The pipe erupted and I aimed it towards our dearest superhero as gallons of water gushed out at an enormous speed, making Storm shoot through the air, flinging him off far away.

I dusted my hands on my jeans. I created a tunnel at my feet, jumped down and sealed it overhead so that no one could follow. As I casually made my way back to college, my mind wandered to where Storm must’ve fallen and how he must’ve looked drenched in water from head to toe, all dishevelled – his fucking golden locks falling on his face and the water trickling down his – holy Satan! I shook my head. It’ll take me all night now to get rid of that image!

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