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Chapter 27

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Severance slammed against the side of the house, his head bouncing off rough wood. A hand curled around his throat, long bony fingers tightening. There was only a mild pressure, a sense of discomfort, but white stars floated into his vision.

He let out a strangled gasp and tried to kick at his tormentor. Rufio merely sneered, leaning his skeletal body in. He was close enough for Severance to feel hot fetid breath blast across his cheek.

"Now," Rufio crooned, "that wasn't very smart now, was it?"

Severance turned his head away. How had things ended up like this?

Oh, right. Awesome Dude had charged the big guy and gotten squashed in a single hit. Severance had tried to run away, but the skinny guy had caught him. The whole thing had happened in mere seconds.

You suck, Severance silently thought towards Awesome Dude. This was all the rogue's fault. A scatter of violet lights lifted into the sky a few feet away. They were the last remnants of Awesome Dude's charge towards Rubio. Poor, brave fool.

"Brother," Rubio came over. There was a disturbing blood splatter on his cheek. "The girl got away."

The fingers abruptly tightened around Severance's throat. Rufio's expression darkened.

"Did she? That's too bad. But at least we got another one here. Isn't that right, Outsider?"

Severance tried to speak, but his tongue wouldn't move properly. The white fuzz grew in size, spotting his vision. Strength seemed to leave his limbs and he sagged against the house.

"Ease up," Rubio grunted. He peered at Severance over his brother's shoulder. "You don't want to pop him too early."

The hand around Severance's throat loosened, then released him. Severance swayed and barely managed to keep himself from collapsing.

Rufio patted him on the chest with a thin hand, making Severance twitch in instinctive revulsion. "You're right, brother. Perhaps I was a bit too eager."

Severance's vision cleared slightly, and he glanced up and saw both of the Elionan men looming over him. They were intimidating, for sure, but when compared to the men in black, they just seemed like mere thugs.

"What—what do you want?" he gasped.

"What do we want?" The question seemed to surprise Rufio. He sneered. "That's a very good question. Perhaps you should have asked that before interrupting us earlier."

"Pah." Rubio spat on the ground. "This one seems a little slow, brother."

"That's fine. We can still get our use out of him." Rufio abruptly shoved a hand against Severance's chest, shoving him back against the house. "Look here, Outsider. You should be very happy right now. You-"

"Seeeev!" A distant cry came near the town center. "Hold on, I'm coming!"

Severance blinked. And then he smiled, because Awesome Dude was absolutely ridiculous and stupid and awesome all at once. Only he would charge blindly back into a surefire death just to rescue someone.

Rubio growled and smacked his meaty fists together. "I'll get rid of that one again, brother."

"Be quick," Rufio told him. "We're not supposed to be here, so don't draw any attention."

"Pah." The hulk of a man just spat and left the area. Severance felt an inkling of worry for his friend.

"Now," Rufio said, returning his attention to Severance, "Let me tell you what's going to happen."

Severance squirmed, wondering if he was about to get killed like Awesome Dude. But then Rufio went very still. His expression went blank.

And then he tilted forwards.

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerWhere stories live. Discover now