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Chapter 57

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As soon as he accepted the invitation, a party list appeared in Severance's field of view. To his surprise, it didn't just have Awesome Dude's name, but two others as well. There was Siegfried the Third and Saffron the Second. Siegfried was the warrior who'd stood up to Kobha, while Saffron was the one who'd just been Revived.

It felt weird to be in a party with Elionans who weren't of his clan. Severance briefly wondered if Maun or even Olen would be angry. Then he mentally shrugged away that thought. It was just a party. Why would they care about that?

"Do you know these guys?" he asked Awesome Dude, keeping his voice low.

"They're from my clan, the Eternal Champions," Awesome Dude helpfully explained. "Siegfried and Saffron are pretty cool guys. I've helped them out before."

+1 Wisdom

Congratulations, Severance! You have reached Level 26.

You have unassigned skills.

The notification appeared, just as Awesome Dude waggled his limp arm. "Hey, can you fix this?"

It wasn't a good time to worry about new skills, although Severance already had half a mind to risk it anyway. He had a feeling that Purify would be a good skill to learn right about now. First though, he'd get his friend fixed up.

"Yeah, sure." He lifted his war fans, preparing to cast Mend.

"Feh!" Kobha the Chosen snarled. He blurred, before vanishing in a way that reminded Severance of Maun.

"Look out!" With a warning cry, Siegfried lunged towards Severance and Awesome Dude.

In response, Awesome Dude's eyes widened. He wheeled and flung himself at Severance, tackling him to the ground. Severance's face got shoved into hard-packed dirt. "Oof!"

Metal clashed overhead, once, twice, and a third time before a wordless curse rang out. The heavy weight bearing down upon Severance shifted, translating into a knee that dug into his lower back.

"Get off," Severance grunted. He pressed his palms flat against the ground in an attempt to push himself up.

"Hehe, sorry," came Awesome Dude's cheerful voice. The knee pressed down briefly before Awesome Dude managed to extricate himself. "That Kobha guy moves pretty quick, you know. You gotta watch out."

On either side of them, Kobha and Siegfried engaged in a stare-off, circling each other like prowling panthers. Severance found himself sitting in the middle, and he absolutely did not want to be caught in another clash.

He hastily got to his feet and moved back. A sudden roar alerted him to Kopa, who charged over with sheer rage contorting his features into something animalistic.

"I got it!" Awesome Dude immediately clapped his hands together into a familiar praying manner. Well, one hand kind of weakly slapped against the other as he had to jerk his shoulder in order to get his limp arm to flop upwards. Somehow he managed, his good hand grasping onto the dead one in an impressive feat. He concentrated, remaining motionless while Kopa stampeded the last few feet.

"Lullaby!" Awesome Dude shouted.

At once Kopa skidded to a stop, outstretched hands mere inches from Severance. He swayed, chin dropping to his chest, eyes sliding halfway shut. A guttural snore burst from somewhere deep within his chest.

Severance let out a disbelieving laugh. "That actually worked?"

"Best skill in the game," Awesome Dude proudly came to stand beside him. "Though it doesn't always work. It's like a 50/50 chance with these guys. And it's totally useless against monsters. But it's awesome when it does work, right?"

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerWhere stories live. Discover now