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Chapter 36

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Severance ran.

He went up and down the tree line, from the gates of Ascendance all the way to the road's end where he first set foot in Eliona. When he had first started his exercise the Guardsman had given him a strange look, but after a while the Elionan just ignored him. The Guardsman was probably used to seeing players doing weird things by now anyway.

Severance huffed a laughed. He'd never thought he'd be the one doing weird player things. That was Awesome Dude's job.

He reached the end of the road and turned, heading back towards the Guardsman. His shoes stirred up a cloud of dirt. A pink cuddle worm wriggled across the road, so he curved around, giving it a wide birth.

And then the little chime he'd been waiting for finally came.

+1 Agility

Quest updated: Gain Agility 3/5

Delighted, Severance brought up his attribute screen to look at the update.

Current Level: 13

WIS - 15

INT - 13

VIT – 9

AGI - 8

STR - 1

FOR - 1

The last couple of dungeon runs had really helped him level up, but there were still two more points to go regarding Maun's quest. This was going to take a while.

Severance closed the window, considering his options. Was running really the best way to go about increasing his Agility?

Other players must have had the same issue. Like Awesome Dude. His friend was a rogue, and they generally liked to be quick on their feet. He would have to level it as well. Severance brightened.

"System, Inbox." A few taps later, and Severance got the notification that the System was recording. "Hey, quick question. How do you level your Agility? Just wondering, and yeah. Thanks."

Message Sent.

He wasn't sure what kind of answer he'd get, but it was worth a try. And sure enough, the reply from his friend came shortly after.

"That's easy!" Awesome Dude's voice all but shouted at him. He could hear the rogue take in a quick breath, before unloading on him. "You gotta do lots of agile things like running and jumping and rolling and even things like somersaults and cartwheels. It's the funnest stat to level! Hehe, one of the guys here was doing backflips which was really cool. He's gonna teach me how to do it after we're done this quest! And then..."

The rogue rambled for another solid minute.

"...that's why we have to hunt down this thing, cos it's really dangerous. It'd be bad if it ate another kid, y'know? And- oh. This clan dude says I have to go. Sorry man. I'll message you when I'm done. Bye Sev!"

"Jumping and somersaults," Severance mused. He'd never done a somersault in his life, but how hard could it be? He slowed, about halfway to the Guardsman. A look in the direction of town showed that not only was the Guardsman looking his way, but a few players were also outside the town.

There was no way he was going to try somersaulting with an audience.

Severance promptly turned and trotted into the forest. There wasn't much space between the trees, but he could work with this.

He held out his hands and slowly fell forwards, just like he'd seen people do on TV. Except, gravity didn't cooperate. It took control and yanked him down. His hands hit the ground, buckled, and he smacked his head against an exposed tree route. His vision flashed red, and he ended up in a crumpled heap.

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin