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Chapter 31

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They reached the first boss of the dungeon in record time.

Severance was still reeling from the mad rush of it. They hadn't bothered dealing with each group of marble dragons individually. Oh no. Chad the mad tank had bull-rushed the entire corridor, picking up all six marble dragons and holding them down.

He had no idea how they'd managed that, or what miracle Chad had pulled off, but it'd been over in a flash, and now here they stood, looking at the giant skeletal creature known as the bone dragon.

Severance looked down at his tree branch. It looked as wilted and confused as he felt. Just what had even happened? He barely remembered doing anything, and already they were standing before the first boss. It was very anticlimactic. Before, he'd struggled through each room with the men in black, but now it was easy. Almost too easy.

I guess Awesome Dude was right. A team of five and a tank class really did make a world of difference.

"Let's go!" Awesome Dude cheered, bouncing in place like he had springs in his shoes. Severance half expected him to take off like a rocket and fly towards the boss. But that didn't happen, because Chad was the first to enter the boss room.

The big guy jogged towards the bony dragon, his armor jangling with every heavy stride. The dragon heard the noise and swung towards him, its jaw opening to reveal a set of dinosaur teeth. Chad didn't even blink. He lifted his spiked baseball bat with both hands, and brought it down with a roar.

"Armor Break!"

The impact made a dull thunk, and no blood was drawn. Frankly, Severance didn't think this thing even had blood since it was little more than withered skin drawn taut over bone. But the bone dragon clearly felt the blow to its head, because it groaned, tail whipping from side to side.

Both Maun and Awesome Dude ran past Chad, avoiding the tail's reach. Maun was the first to dive in, plunging both daggers into its side. On the other side of the dragon, Awesome Dude settled in, his face set in unusual focus. It was weird to see him actually fighting like a normal person with some skill, rather than just running around wildly.

Maybe his clan had managed to beat some sense into his head.

Severance stood back with Momo. Both of them used ranged skills, so there was no need for them to get close. She fired arrows, some of which bounced off the dragon's hide, while he made pale, healing light swirl around the tank.

Chad didn't do much other than stand in one spot and let the bone dragon eat chunks out of his health. He swung his baseball bat in a steady rhythm, dealing damage while maintaining his position at the top of the bone dragon's hate list. Even though he took continuous damage, his health pool was massive enough that it only decreased at a slow rate.

Realizing that Chad wasn't going to die anytime soon and only required the occasional Mend, Severance switched gears. He aimed his tree branch right at the big dragon's bony butt.

"Bolt," he softly said. Just like one of Momo's arrows, the energy bolt streaked through the air like a missile. It fizzled out against its hide. Severance made a face. That did very little, but it was something at least.

He kept casting the skill, and soon received a notification for his efforts.

+1 Intelligence

By now the bone dragon's health was down to half. Remembering what happened last time, Severance stopped attacking. He grabbed the tree branch tightly, feeling nervous jitters of anticipation.

The bone dragon shuddered, and then abruptly swung its great snout up so it could stare into the heavens. It let out an angry, earth shattering roar. Yup. There it was.

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