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Chapter 46

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As the party's tank, Wertwert24 was really good at holding down a single Chosen warrior. Which was to say, she focused entirely on the one enemy and completely failed to notice the other five Chosen in the area.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Because she didn't bother to grab the other five Chosen's attention, that meant they all decided to bull rush Legacy, who had been the one to freeze them all solid. Apparently they didn't enjoy being turned into popsicles.

Severance tried to fire off a quick Mend when Legacy got swarmed, but remembered too late that his skill didn't work in Sky Dance. It wouldn't have done much, anyway. In less than three seconds, Legacy sprawled on the ground in an undignified nap, his health bar entirely empty.

Dappppp said something very impolite before shoving his blades in the ground before him. He clapped his hands together into a prayer position. "Lullaby!"

Instantly, one of the Chosen fell asleep. Dappppp whirled towards another and slashed it across the chest. Displeasure ignited in her eyes and she shrieked. She proceeded to fling one of her sickle blades right at Dappppp, who barely dodged.

At the same time, Wellon danced around another Chosen with the eerie grace of the Veiled. His own dual daggers flashed as they dealt one cut after another, gradually whittling away at the Chosen's health.

That left two Chosen warriors. With nothing else to do, they wandered over to the nearest person, who happened to be Wertwert24. One put a new scratch in her armor. The second decorated her leg with fresh new cuts.

Wertwert24 sighed, as if being bitten by a bothersome mosquito. "Heal?" she raised her voice a bit, just loud enough to be heard.

"Hang on," Severance muttered under his breath. He didn't feel like healing her, not when she wasn't doing her job properly, but he brought both of his war fans close to his chest anyway. "Earth Dance."

He felt something shift within him, the sharp tingle of electricity softening into soothing warmth. The crackling blue light around his fans morphed into pale green winds.

With a flick of a wrist, he sent a gust of healing wind towards Wertwert24. "Mend."

That was when something frightening happened.

The two Chosen that Wertwert24 had been ignoring entirely broke away from her and ran straight for Severance. With one little heal, he'd made himself a much juicer target than the tank.

Oh crap! Severance did the only thing he could. He turned tail and ran like a scared rabbit.

"Hey!" Dappppp shouted from somewhere in the distance behind Severance. "Wert! Use Incite! You're supposed to hold aggro!"

There was no response from Wertwert24. Whether she heard or just couldn't be bothered, no one would ever know.

Severance ran circles around the canyon, careful not to touch the creepy fog. After what seemed like an eternity, he heard Wellon call out behind him.

"I got them, Sev! Revive the Cryomancer!"

Slowing to a trot, Severance warily glanced back. True to his words, Wellon was busy playing with two Chosen at once. A few fading purple sparkles were all that remained of the last one.

A little concerned for Wellon and immeasurably relieved for himself, Severance immediately sprinted over to Legacy's pitiful corpse. He raised his hands, preparing to Revive.

Then Wertwert's health bar flickered orange in the party list. Oh. And look at that, Dappppp's was down by a good third. The rogue-turned-Rainblade had rushed over to Wellon and had taken one of the Chosen off of the Veiled teen's hands.

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora