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Chapter 50

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The Swarm vanished, and the team resumed attacking. Although they threw their best skills at The Brain, only Legacy's ice did any noticeable damage. It was slow going.

Severance wondered if he should switch to Sky Dance and throw in some Bolts and maybe a cool Flare or two. But before he could do so, The Brain shrieked once more.

"Baaaaaaalllls of Mud!!"

Severance immediately dodged. However, he wasn't targeted this time. Neither was Wertwert24.

"Ooops," said Dappppp.

Two puddles lay right at The Brain's hovering form. One of them had successfully trapped Dappppp. The other lay empty, with Wellon a few steps away. The Veiled teen quirked an eyebrow at Dappppp, seemingly amused at the Rainblade's failure to dodge.

"Bones of the Fallen!"

"Uh oh," said Dappppp.

Wellon moved so fast it almost appeared he'd teleported twenty feet away from the Boss. He made it to safety, but poor Dappppp was stuck. The mud started to fade just as multiple Bones pierced up from the ground. Dappppp was speared right through the gut, which was rather disconcerting to witness. What was even more disconcerting was seeing nearly all his health vanish in a second.

"Mend," Severance muttered. He was glad he hadn't tried to switch Dances. The Bones slid back down into the ground with an awful grating sound. There was even a gross squelch as Dappppp came free. The Rainblade staggered, gripping his gut, but he managed to remain on his feet.

Severance slashed his fans at Dappppp's general direction. "Mend."

"Trash!" shrieked The Brain. "Eat trash, you trash!"

"Ward," Severance snapped. The shield enclosed Dappppp's bloodied figure. It was just in time, because the sky darkened with every putrid thing imaginable.

Half-eaten chicken drumsticks bounced off Severance's head. It hadn't escaped his notice how Wertwert24 had picked up a filthy rag and covered her face so she could snooze relatively undisturbed. Her armor protected her from the worst of the garbage. It was unfair.

The poison debuff appeared once more, so Severance dutifully placed another Radiant Dome. Wellon, Legacy and Dappppp migrated to stand in it, all the while they continued to beat on The Brain.

At least they were working hard.

And so was The Brain. "Baaaaalllls of Mud!"

Severance didn't move—he was in the middle of passing out Mends, and he didn't want to interrupt the process. Mud glued him down to the ground, though he didn't really care. He was far enough away that there wasn't a whole lot The Brain could do to him.


"Hey!" Wertwert24's sudden protest came at the same time a sword and shield appeared in The Brain's hands.

Severance almost smiled, because out of all the weapons to steal, The Brain had chosen the ones that weren't even being used. Besides, what could he possibly do with a tank's weapon?

"Counterattack!" The Brain spun 90 degrees to face Wellon, and the sword, which looked cartoonishly huge in his small hands, arced beautifully through the air. Wellon tried to evade it, but the flat of the blade still glanced off the side of his head. Blood spurted. Wellon grunted, swaying dangerously though he managed to keep on his feet. One hand went up to his head, his face dazed.

The Brain tossed the sword and shield away. "Bones of the Fallen!"

Dappppp immediately ran backwards, getting away from the Boss, but Wellon stayed where he was. He was still stunned from being stuck upside the head.

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