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Chapter 47

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It was a miracle.

That's what Severance thought when they all staggered into the third room. Despite Wertwert24, they managed to battle through an entire twenty Chosen warriors. The mere memory of it made him shudder.

He'd never ran so much in his entire life. He did so much running, in fact, that he actually gained a point in Agility. The resulting level-up into level 21 had also saved his life, because he was about to be stabbed by three different Chosen at the time.

But that was all in the past now. They'd survived. And now they had a different problem to deal with. Or rather, Severance had a problem to deal with.

There were three friendly creatures waiting in Room 3.

One of them, a Chosen fellow with the name of Uncle Bobb, was extra friendly towards Severance. So friendly, in fact, that said Uncle Bobb constantly waddled after Severance with outstretched arms.

Uncle Bobb was a grossly fat and ugly humanoid creature with bulging eyes and a great big jiggly gut. He only wore ripped pants, and his horribly overgrown nails curled out from his fingers and toes. There was a small strip of hair hanging from the back of his otherwise bald head. It was extremely disgusting, and as Bobb followed Severance around the room like a mutated monster-puppy, Severance wanted to puke.

Just as he thought Bobb moved slow enough to easily keep out of his reach, Bobb would suddenly lunge forward at a frightening speed. A single horrifying grab from Bobb ate over ¾ of Severance's health.

Even more horrifying, as Dappppp had gleefully shouted from across the room, was that Uncle Bobb was scripted to follow the healer. Even if Wertwert had decided to do her job and draw everything's attention (ha!), Bobb still would have chased after Severance.

At least Wertwert was keeping Granma busy. Granma was a pyromaniac Chosen grandmother who looked like a sickly goblin hunched over with long spindly limbs. She cackled constantly, even as she bent beneath the weight of the huge rocket launcher strapped to her back.

How the Chosen managed to find a rocket launcher in Eliona, Severance would never know. Maybe this was why Maun had called this place 'corrupted'. Or maybe the man in black had been referring to the presence of the three creatures in this room. Corrupted was definitely an applicable description for them.

Granma randomly fired several rockets into the air, which would blow up parts of the room when they landed. The only indicator of the areas they'd hit were little red dots, like laser sights.

Being hit by one of those meant instant death, as Legacy found out. Poor guy just couldn't stop dying.

The final member of the World's Creepiest Chosen Family was Aunt Greta. She had long ropy hair to the middle of her back, a permanent sneer, and wicked sickle blades connected by an obscene amount of chain.

She proved to be quite tricky, because she would shriek and then glare in a certain direction before launching one of her blades in a long, vicious straight line attack. Her shriek and gaze were the only indicators, and everyone learned pretty quickly to pay attention to where she was looking.

Everyone except Wertwert.

She died three times before Wellon, Dappppp and Legacy managed to take down Aunt Greta.

Severance spent most of his time jogging circles around the arena while keeping his eyes glued to Aunt Greta. Her first blade had clipped his left side, drenching his coat in his own blood. He'd lost most of his health when he got hit, and his entire left arm had ceased to function. That had been pretty scary. Thankfully a few Mends helped with that, but it did make him wonder—what if he lost use of both his arms?

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerWhere stories live. Discover now