bad Timing

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I woke up again. For the fifth time tonight. I sat up in the uncomfortable bed and looked at my sleeping omega. I carefully slipped out of my bed and sat on her more comfortable one. (They favourited her over me) I kissed her forehead, she smelled different, I realised. hmm.. I should tell Adrian.. she's probably going into heat. I got up, gently opened the door.

You would be wondering why it wasn't locked if they were bad guys that had kidnaped us, well it was because Adrian had given me the key. But sadly it only opens this door. I think. All others were locked and all they keys were in Adrian's room.

Along with the knives (😪.

the second night We had here they forgot to lock the bedroom door and left knives in the kitchen so I took one and tried to kill 'rascal' with it... sooo yeahhh.. he hates me a lil bit.

I crept down to the small hallway towards a big brown door, I had never tried this and I didn't know what to expect but I slid the key I had clutched in my hand into the lock, knowing it was Well, locked.

It clicked and I was about to push it open when..

"Hello purple.."
I demonic voice said as a teasing finger slid down my back and gently pulled my tail. I was never going to admit it but It felt so nice..  not him doing it though.
"What are you doing at alphas quarters?" He said tugging my tail harder. Ouch. That hurt.
"I-I was just.. I-.. I uhh n-needed to uh.. talk to him about something..." I gulped.
"Right. Just so you know, your a terrible story teller" rascal said sliding his hands around my waist. "You could come talk to me instead..?" "N-nope I wanna talk to alpha!" "To bad" he said grabbing my ass, Okay this was getting too much. I quickly turned around and punched him square in the face and he stumbled back. I then ran into Adrian's room and shut the door and slammed my body against it.
I heard a dark chuckle from somewhere in the dimly lit room. "Wow, that was quite a show.."
he spoke. "Y-you didn't even see it." I said looking at my feet. "yeah. I did." Adrian said looking at me strangely up and down before pointing at a large screen that has the outside of his door on camera. Shit. "I figured you'd try pull something like this" He says smirking a bit.
"W-wh—" I was about to talk but was cut off when I felt a hand snake around me. I jumped forward and spun around to see rascal looking ready to eat me... he was panther... he had strange ears and a strange tail. And looked like he was hungry. I quickly punched him in the stomach, kicked him in the pants and ran to the alpha for protection, jumping on his bed. "Don't hide behind me, you got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out." He said looking at me, amused.

I let a small growl escape my lips and watched as the male got up. You see, I was stronger than him, he may have been higher up on the food chain but I was an Almega, I was I special rank, I rare rank. Only a few in the world. I was strong and fast like an alpha but had omega functions. Like I had a heat and all that. But that being said, I needed an omega and an alpha.

I launched forward, springing off the bed and bit into the betas arm, throwing him to the ground. And kicking him in the neck. He let out a disturbing whining Sound and knowing he wouldn't win he bolted out slamming the door behind him. "Impressive.." the alpha states looking at me up and down.  "You act like an omega but fight like an alpha... I can never determine what you are.." He said still giving me the strange look. "I'm an-a"  I started but stoped to think if I should tell him or not.. eh whatever.. "Almega.." I finished
He simply stared, no expression on his face now.
He slid off his big bed and walked over to me.
What was he going to do..? Was I in trouble? My mind spiraled like that untill his hands rested on my hips. Unlike Adrian, if rascal were to touch me like this again he would die. But I didn't have the nerve to even slap Adrian then I would probably be the one doing the dying part.

"You smell different..." he said studying my body, checking me out.
"I-it's not my sent" I stuttered as his hand slid around to my back. "I-it's roses. She must have stolen my shirt so she could sleep with it, for my sent." I said. "That's why I came here, I think rose is going into heat. Got and pain relievers?"
"Can I have them?"
He dropped his hands and looked at the big tv thing.
"I'll just keep her in here with me, she needs an alpha."
"Heck no! She's thirteen!"
"I won't do anything to her"
"Then why In here? I can deal with her"
"Here or with ma- rascal?"
"F-fine here.." I say, giving up.
"But can I stay in here with her?"
"Yeah. Sure" he said and looked back at me. Haha, an excuse for staying in a more comfortable bed!

All of a sudden we heard a scream. And it was a very female one. We both bolted out  of his door and to were the scream came from. Mine and her room-jail. When we got there we saw rascal undressing her, about to take her bra off. Oh man, that timing was horrible. I ran straight for him, grabbed him and threw him to the floor. Using my tail and strangled him emitting a yelp. Rose timidly grabbed her shirt and pulled it back on. And I swear I saw Adrian checking her out. Ugh.
"If you lay a hand on either one of the girls again, I'll be the person dealing with  you." The alpha said grabbing roses hand.

He Took her back to his room but I stayed to stare at him for a second before kicking him in the stomach again.

Sup.. you have no clue how many times I've proof-read this lol.

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