Trapped in

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It was now like 5 pm and we were all still having fun, splashing and messing around. I got out and laid back on my hot towel, heated by the burning sun.

I checked my phone again and read through the notifications.

Sexy jock🖕🙄- has added you to: THE PACK MFS.

Sexy jock🖕🙄- has added unknown to: THE PACK MFS.

The Rude cow👌😘- has set your nickname to green eyed tan guy😏❤️

The Rude cow👌😘- has set unknowns nickname to Hot rainbow😇😍

Hot rainbow😇😍: I wake up to this?!

The Rude cow👌😘: yes sweetie you did.

Hot rainbow😇😍: 🖕

Sexy jock🖕🙄: Girls, Girls. Your both pretty. calm it. I guess your pretty too green.

Hot rainbow😇😍: green?

Sexy jock🖕🙄: @green eyed tan guy😏❤️ 

Hot rainbow😇😍: ah, gotcha. Not gonna add Jess, Zack, rose, Rei?

Sexy jock🖕🙄: nah just us.

green eyed tan guy😏❤️: aren't we at the pool for a reason?

Sexy jock🖕🙄: you didn't seemed bothered before 😘 well.. only in one place.

green eyed tan guy😏❤️: 🖕🙄

The Rude cow👌😘: lols it's in his name for a reason bro.

I sighed and placed my phone down, and got back in, blue and Adrian remained where they were and rose was playing by herself but no one else was here.

"Where's nikko?" I ask her.
"She went inside to make dinner."
"Oh I'm gonna go help her." Adrian said over hearing us.
"Am I coming too?" Blue asks.
"Nah you can stay here with rose."
He walks out, leaving me rose and blue left. The love triangle. Well it more more like a live octagon but we had our own triangle.

Roses eyes flicked between me and blue carefully as if wondering if whatever she was thinking was a good or bad idea.

"I-i uh need to go get a drink." She says smiling sweetly at me. She was up to something.

I gave a small frown and nodded.

I picked my phone back up.

Sexy jock🖕🙄: have funnnn~

green eyed tan guy😏❤️: WHAT?!

Sexy jock🖕🙄: Soz baby, Rose changed the lock when she left.

Hot rainbow😇😍: guys.. this isn't funny..

green eyed tan guy😏❤️: agreed. Now let us the fuck out or else!

Sexy jock🖕🙄: or else? Oh I'm sooo scared.

Hot rainbow😇😍: A, Please!

green eyed tan guy😏❤️: Adrian grayham holt!

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