Merging packs

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"So Adrian basically adopted you into their pack." Eren questions.

"Yeah uh me and rose." I smile at her but she looks away.

"Oi, brats." The husky, dark voice speaks from the door.

I heard a variety of yes, masters and yeahs though I only looked at him.

"So... we won't do it unless all of you want too... buuutt we were thinking of maybe merging packs?" He raises an eyebrow and when he's finished everyone except me and rose jump up and down screaming in delight.

"Taking that as a yes then." He says with a small smile and walks back out.

"So now there are 19 of us?" Rei giggles.

"So What rank are you" I say when Jess and her friend Isadora walks up to me.
"Beta, I'm a beta... friends?" She smiles and reaches out to shake my hand but I hug her instead. "Sure." I smile back.

"So I'm Isadora, as you know. That's eren" she points to a small, sandy blond guy with brown eyes. "And you know Levi... he's super grumpy." She giggles.
"That's Ella, Emily, Chelsea, Olivia and grace." She points to a small group that was talking to Nikki.  "Kai, Jesse, Rhys." She says pointing to the boy group talking to Ethan.

"Everyone's a beta except grace and eren; omegas and Rhys is the secondary alpha like Ethan." She says still smiling.
"Oh well actually... Kai is A-"
She glances to a boy with dark brown hair and he shakes his head.

"Your majesty." Rhys, I think bowed to me.
"T-that's not necessary.." I smile.

"Your Highness, your majesty, my fucking princess." Rose hisses shoving me out of her way to walk out.
"W-What's her problem?" the boy in front of me frowns.
"Should I tell master Adrian?" rei glares at the back of her head.
"No, no it's fine." I frown.

"Cmon guys your sleeping at our penthouse tonight," Adrian says picking me up, probably having seen what happened.

I nuzzled into his neck, wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

We walk back up to the penthouse and he sets me in the couch.

"Okay so, sleeping arrangements for tonight." Adrian gets everyone's attention when they take a seat on the couch or floor.

"Ella, em, Chelsea and olives, You're with Nikki.
Rhys, Jesse your with Ethan, Kai and Rei.
And omegas Eren, Grace and Rose your with Zack.
Jess, you can have Isadora.
And lastly, Blue and Levi your with me."

"Now go do what you want 'brats'" Adrian mimics Levi emitting a growl from the scary alpha.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Olivia speaks up and I hear an audible groan from Adrian and a snort from Ethan, I just blush to cause people to look at us three.

Rei laughs. "You probably don't wanna know." Which in turn I step on his foot.
"Bitchhh." He whines; I poke my tongue out.

"Sure," I say to her.

we sit in a circle, everyone except the two dominants from both packs. (Levi and Adrian)

"T or D... Jess?" Isadora starts.
"I dare you tooo.. kiss Nikki." She giggles.
Instead of Jess crawling over to Nikki, Nikki basically pounced on her.

"Blue?" Jess asked.
"How are you feeling about sleeping with master Levi tonight?" I forgot that our pack was crazy BDSM.
"I-I... I don't really... mind?" I stutter because he was listening.
"Surrreee." Jess giggles. To tell the truth, I was definitely scared.
"Rei." I take the attention off me (for once) and he replies D.
"I dare you to.. go sit on Levi." He looks sheepishly up to the tall guy and a small blush creeps up on his cheeks.
Levi, remaining stone-faced, pats his lap signalling for Rei to sit there.

"U-uhm... Gracie?" Rei says getting comfy.
"T." The small quiet omega squeaked.
"Do you dislike anyone here?"
"No. I l-love you guys.." she blushes.
"Naaaaww." Olivia squeals and pets her tail.

It had been hours since t or d and was about 9 pm now and we were eating pizza. 
"Can I have a lemonade please?" I ask Adrian and he nods and grabs me one out of the fridge.

"Imma just go to bed.." I hear rose say over the loud talking.
"Naw okay." even pats her shoulder.

"Cmon you lot off to bed," Levi says, he looked so tired.
"Buttt dadddyy~" Chelsea teases as everyone else does what he wants.
"Get your ass into bed or..." he smirks when she hurries off.

Adrian picked me up when everyone left and set me on the kitchen counter.
He and Levi cleaned all the rubbish from the lounge room, pizza boxes and lemonade cans. I watched them silently wondering what tonight would be like. I also wondered what everyone else would be doing.

"Come on shorty." He ushers me to follow him. When we get into our room Adrian like always, takes his shirt off revealing that fine-ass 6pack. Though.. when Levi took his shirt off it took all of my will power not to look.

"Pfft." Adrian shook his head and Levi smirked at him.

I didn't take anything off- until Adrian dragged me into bed and took my top off himself. I pushed him out of bed and fixed the covers up, then I let him get in.

"Pfft, - he mimicked him- You let your subs treat you like that?" Levi gives Adrian a questioning look.

"S-She's not my.." he cautiously glanced at me and I shrugged.

"Eh. No labels." He laid down.

"Right.." Levi glanced to me and frowned as he had before.

Adrian puts me in the middle so he can cuddle my back and kiss my neck.

I open one eye to see Levi facing me. He was so gorgeous.. his unusually dark grey eyes and glossy back hair, I really wanted to run my hand through it. I looked up at the door when I heard a knock and Levi was quick to open it.
"Hey Rei, you Okay?" Levi said tiredly.

"The boys are too loud can I sleep with you guys?"
"Sure but if you wanna sleep with them I can tell them to be quiet.."
"oh yeah.. Please."
"Mkay come on then."
He and rei walk out the door and I turn to face Adrian.

"Why did you put the sleeping arrangements like that?" I whisper.

"well Jess and issa need space, omegas together, Jesse and the two alphas, and the almegas together.

"almegas? Oh yeah.." I started.
"kai. Levis first." he finished.

Narwhals narwhals swimin in the October YEs THe OcToBEr

•The mafia packs princess• •omegaverse•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora