Thank You Note

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A drop of Petrichor is all of you. Your love. What you have given. What it has received. All the people from Twitter, From here. New. Old. Those who have been with me since the very beginning. Those who joined me in the middle or those who are going to read it in the future. This is not my story. This story is what you guys made it. You gave it what I had never thought It'd get. So Thank you to all of you. Every single person out there.

I'm truly blessed that you all happened to me.

ADOP began in 2016. The time I was mentally and emotionally very unstable. The main theme was same but the characters were a lot different from what we have now. It was a fanfiction as most of you know. By December of 2016, I was so fed up of my own story. My own characters weren't making sense to me. They were good. Not bad but I wasn't able to connect to them which as a writer, was my failure. I took it off. For an indefinite time. Two years. This story remained in my writing folder for two years. One fine evening, in my Twitter chat I shared this idea with my family there. They pushed me to post it. I was not very confident but I knew I could do this. I had to work on many details. Revamping it, sort of. Giving it a new meaning, new characters, new feel, new everything. I did. And now, an year later here we are. At the last author note for this story. Feels like an eternity but it is here.

Rayyan and Noor, Their journey as individuals and towards each other is always going to be my most cherished possession. I might write many new stories but this one is a constant. My constant.

All my love to you all. 

May our valleys of heart always be drenched with Petrichor of love.



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