Part Tris

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When Four and Tris are finished they tell us all to line up in front of the targets and try on our own. My first few attempts are miserable. They clatter uselessly to the ground. On my fourth throw, my knife sticks to the rim of the target. I feel pride swell up in me.  I look around to see the other initiates aren't doing much better. A few have hit the target, but none of them are close to the center.
Then I spot her at the end of the row. She has striking blonde hair and a piercing gray stare. She hits dead center every time.
I stare at her until Four yells at me to get back to work. I allow myself one more glance and her staring back. I blush and continue throwing.
Finally, after an hour of attempts, I hit to center.
"Alright initiates lunch break, I want you back in here at 12:30. Got it?" Four barks. We nod and scurry out.
For lunch, I sit with the other initiates. The girl sits next to me, and I can feel my heart start to race.
"Hello, I'm Madisyn," the girl says. I stare at her. "This is the part where you introduce yourself."
"Oh right, I'm Is," I reply.
"First Jumper huh," she says looking impressed.
"Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is," I say not responding well to what I hope was a compliment. "Thanks for standing up for me on the train by the way."
She rubs the back of her neck and says, "No biggie, Quinn is from my old faction. He's a butt."
"I heard that," Quinn growls from the end of the table.
"Oh get over yourself," Madisyn calls back.
"You little," he starts, but Madisyn just flips him off and returns her attention back to me.  We talk for the rest of lunch and she seems really cool.
On the way out Madisyn says, "You know what Iz, you're pretty sick."
"I should hope not. I don't have a fever and I feel fine."
"Sorry," she says, "It's Erudite slang for cool."
She thinks I'm cool. I can't help but smile all the way to training but what greets me wipes the smile right off my face.
Hey guys, I know I promised weekly updates but I had a huge test to study for. I'm sorry I promise to update regularly from now on.
Be brave~ Quinn

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