Part 8

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Later that night after I recovered from the fight, I joined Madisyn, Logyn, the boy who kissed Logyn on the cheek, and a girl Madisyn introduced as Cassidy for dinner at their table.

"So Cassidy, How do you know Madisyn?" I ask as an attempt to start a conversation.

"Oh, she and I were in the same faction. We lived a couple of houses down from each other," she replies.

"Erudite, right?" the boy says

"Yeah," Cassidy and Madisyn say.

"Oh dear," the boy says, "I just realized I haven't introduced myself yet. I should do that."

"No dip Sherlock," Cassidy says rolling her eyes.

"Sherlock," I say clearly confused.

"It's from a book," Madisyn explains.

"Oh, that explains why I've never heard of it. Abnegation don't read for leisure or do anything for leisure. It's considered self-indulgent," I say.

"That's horrible!" Cassidy starts.

"No books!" Madisyn finishes.

"You can take the girls out of Erudite, but you can't take Erudite out of the girls," Logyn says with a smirk, and we laugh.

"Anyway," the boy says in an attempt to keep the conversation on track, "I'm Adriel."

"So Adriel, are you really close to Logyn?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"You kissed her on the cheek in training," I respond. This received several oohs from Madisyn and Cassidy.

"Ew gross, It's not like that," Adriel says quickly.

"Yeah we are twins," Logyn says.

"Oh, that makes more sense," I say.

"You honestly thought I could be attracted to her," Adriel says pointing at his sister.

"Oh please, Adriel we both know I'm the better-looking twin," Logyn says.

"I'm gonna have to agree with her on this one," I say.

"I'm hurt. You clearly lack good judgment," Adriel pouts.

"Wait," Logyn says a smile creeping on her face, "You think I'm good looking?"

"Yes, no ... maybe?" I say clearly flustered 

"Relax," she laughs, "I'm just messing with you. It's fun to see your abnegation get all flustered."

"Speaking of abnegation, what faction are you two from?" Cassidy asks.

"Guess," Logyn says you guessed it rolling her eyes.

"Well let's see, you aren't Erudite or Abnegation, because neither Madisyn, Is, nor I have seen you before. You're a transfer so not dauntless, and you don't seem like Amity. I'm gonna say candor," Cassidy says.

"Ding, ding, ding," Adriel says.

Logyn rolls her eyes and says, "Go see what's behind door number 3 to collect your prize."

"You won a piece of dauntless cake," a voice says from behind me. I turn to see Uriah holding none other than dauntless cake. He plops down next to me and begins to eat.

"No offense," Logyn says, "But who are you."

Uriah turns to me and says, "I'm hurt you didn't tell your friends about me."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Logyn asks with a look of heart on her face. Does she care? Wait why do I care if she cares? I not gay, am I?

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