Part 13 (Yeah I think so, maybe IDK)

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When we reach Uriah's party, it is only a few minutes after 8, but the place was already packed. It smelled of alcohol and loud music rattled the walls. If I knew this party involved drinking, I might not have come. I hate alcohol. It stole my father, and I'm determined not to let it steal me. Oh well, I guess I just won't drink.

Uriah comes up to us and says, "Wow, you guys look great, wanna stay for Candor or Dauntless it's starting in a little?"

"Sure," Logyn answers for us. This isn't a problem since we all want to.

"All right in the meantime, enjoy the party," he says then walks off presumably to greet more guests. 

"Come on girls let's dance," Cassidy says pulling us into the swarm of bodies on the dance floor before any of us get the chance to protest.

"What about me," Adriel calls but he is soon swallowed by the swarm and just like that we're separated.

"Should we find go find him?" I ask.

"Naw," Logyn replies clearly not concerned for her twin, "He'll be fine. Let's have some fun."

We dance around bobbing our heads to the music for a while. Madisyn and Cassidy leave to grab some alcohol. They ask me if I want some and I say no. Logyn decides to stay with me.

We move to sit in the corner of the party. We don't talk. We just sit there enjoying each other's company.

She slipped her hand into mine, and my stomach felt as though it was doing petite allegro (For all the non-ballet dancers those are small, fast jumps). I didn't want to let go. Her hand made me feel safe. I  wonder if it is possible she likes me? Okay, I'll admit it, I like Logyn, a lot. What's not to like? She's nice, funny, headstrong, and pretty, like really pretty. I could stare at her for hours and not get bored. I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks like it normally when I think about her, so I stare at our hands.

When I cut a glance up, I see she is staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask feeling rather blushy.

"Because you're beautiful," She replies.

I open my mouth to protest, but I'm cut off by her lips.

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