Chapter 7

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My hands were numb and pale from the tight rope. I stayed there overnight, hanging like a piece of pork roasting by the fire. My head kept going limp from how exhausted I was. I could hear Ivar in his room moaning in pain. I imagine he tossed and turned all night.

Still, I was slightly grateful for the punishments I've received. Other girls were caught stealing food from the men and it usually resulted in a beating or a finger being cut off. The boys haven't done any of that with me and I wondered if they were losing their patience. They know now. What would come after this? I have no idea, back in England, only the prince knew about my ability. He was training for battle and accidentally his opponent managed to scratch his chest. I was his servant, so they had sent me to bring him warm water and cloth to clean the cut.

I knocked on his door and when he opened he gave me a weak smile, one hand laid over the cut, blood stained all over his chest and stomach. I placed the bowl with the cloth on the table and he sat down in front of me, waiting for me to clean it. When I had so slightly passed the cloth over he grunted. I gave up and told him to not say one word. And when I healed him with my hands he said I was heaven sent. He was very kind to me after. I smiled at the memory. He had stayed one time behind to dance in the empty hallway with the muffled music from the ball rang through with me. "Why are you dancing with me?" I had asked.

It took him a while to answer me and I was starting to feel nervous. He was a Prince and I was not even worthy enough to look at him in the face for more than three seconds. Yet, here he was there dancing with me in the empty hallway. He never answered my question he just kissed me instead, and I never questioned it.

Now, I'm hanged in an empty room. I could have sworn if i'm left hanging here for another hour my hands are going to fall off. I can still hear Ivar in his room tossing and turning.

Finally, he crawled his way out of the room sleep stained his eyes and restlessness was written all over his messy hair. His eyes were glowing in the dark and it was hard not to stare at him.

He used the chair to lever his way up. His face was almost close to mine but not quite. He does reach slightly and hands me a knife to cut my hands free. "I am a good hunter, as well as a good fighter. If you try to run away from me one more time, Nia, I swear I will kill you in the most horrendous way possible."

I swallowed hard and only nodded before cutting myself free. I stood in front of him and waited for his next action. Ivar was unpredictable.

"Why do you keep running away from me?" He says with a straight face but I can almost hear the pain in his voice. "I am scared of what you might do with me if you found out about my powers," I said. He stared at me waiting for me to continue talking.

"I am aware that there is a God that you worship that has the same ability as me." I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to massage my head as I was being flooded with strange memories of some of my childhood and the spirit lady saying that I was going to be royal.

"When I first showed my powers, I think I was still with my parents but the memory is fading me. Just like everything else. I know someone who meant a lot to me was sick and was very hurt. I think... a brother." I said thinking hard about the memory in my head. I strained to reach it fully and tell Ivar.

"I was sitting next to him on the bed and I laid my hand where.. it hurt him. I remember him closing his eyes and I was crying. I healed him and I know that somehow a lot of people found out very fast.. too fast. The next day I woke up with a stranger. I was riding on a horse and women walked on foot next to me. A woman named: Freya who told me tales about my future. She warned me about my power, and how people are going to fear me for it. All my life she told me to hide it from everyone... the last time I saw my parents were after I healed my brother. I have faint memories of being called a witch." I said, nervously. Spilling my deepest secrets in hopes that maybe Ivar will feel some sort of sympathy. Make me a free woman. Or let me go.

I sat in front of him. The last time I was opened about my past was in front of the Prince. I felt exposed. He was quiet for a long time. He sat there thinking. His left hand was tracing patterns on his face, he let his hand drop on the table and continue the trace there. Finally, he took a deep breathe and asked.

"Are you afraid of me, Nia?"


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