Chapter 19

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The day to make the travel to France was closing in on us, and I don't know how to feel. Maybe numb or maybe a crazed feeling. I don't know how the other countries are fighting against the King and his evil soldiers that made the land and the people sick. I cannot begin to imagine the thousands of people already dead, countless of countrysides now made into complete wasteland, rivers turned to acid, mountains crumbled to ashes, and the very ground itself turned to a black thick and unforgiving monster who burns your body and makes you one with itself.

Ivar had a close friend who demanded specific trees to be cut for the ships they were making. Everyone in the village had jobs, and in the early day, the village was so busy with shouts, I'd lock myself in my room just for a chance of fresh air. After I calmed my nerves, I walked outside again

Eria is with the now orphaned girl since the last raiding. Once we leave, the little girl will need a place to stay. Someone too old to travel with us but capable enough to deal with a wild toddler who still asks for their dead parents after a nightmare. "Any luck?" I said, sitting down on the dirt beside Eria, the girl was sitting between her legs as Eria re-braided her hair.

"No," She says, yanking the little girl's hair, blinded by her own frustration, her knuckles and forearm banged up and bloody from the rough training, one eye was bruised but not shut yet. When did she get so rough?

"It's going to be okay. Why don't you let me heal that?" I asked; she signed slowly and freed the little girl to go play with sticks and rocks with other children.  I moved my hand to her eye, "Tell me, what kind of training are you doing that you look so beaten up? I think whoever you're training with needs a talking to. We need healthy-looking warriors, not someone who looks as if they will break like a twig."

"That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," She says the sarcastic remark makes which I giggle. We break into a welcomed fit of laughter, the weight of the war, and the end of days, somehow breaking us free from its harsh hands.

"Thank you," She whispers, I shrug my shoulders. It is I who will always be thankful to Eria. I will always be in debt to her. "Does she have a name?" The girl runs a circle around us once, dirt flying from under her dirty feet. 

"I call her little bear. I don't know what her real name is that the only thing she keeps from me." She stands and dusts herself off, I do the same. As I helped her make dinner, I tell her about the conversation I had with Ivar. How he is trying to change. 

She stirs the pot while I prepare the bath for the girl. "Do you believe him?" She asked, testing the liquid. "Part of me does the other part of me doesn't."

She pours the soup into the wooden bowl, "Good."

I test the bathwater, deciding it was warm enough. I ready myself to go to Ivar. I've already spent half of the day with Eria, and I can't afford to lose any more of my time. Avoiding him isn't going to stop us from eventually having to make eye contact.

"I have to go," I whisper, "Get her to talk more!" I mouthed the words and dashed for the door before Eria could make another protest.

When I made my way back to Ivar cottage his brothers were shouting over each other, Ivar sat silently on the chair, one arm holding his chin, tired. Lagertha's eyes ran wild over a letter as she tried to piece together whatever puzzle it owned.

Bjorn shouted so harshly to Ubbe everyone quieted down, Ivar even perked up, and a hint of flare died in his eyes when he spotted my ghostly figure at the entrance.

"We have to tell you something." Bjorn's chest was heaving with anger, he yanks the paper from

Lagertha's hands, and Ivar reaches for his sword, yet he loosens his knuckles around the handle.

He shoves the paper into my face, and I stumble back,

"Bjorn..." Ivar sings almost, but his voice is strained.

"What?" I asked, taking the wrinkled  letter from his hand.

"Prince Theo is killing people in your hand. He is installing fear for you from now. We have to make the travel to France."

I sunk into the floor. My name was written in red on the letter.

Theophania de Oro.

"How are we going to clear my name?" My eyes well up with tears, He has burned down countries in my name. He has blamed me for the ache he is unleashing, I want to crumble the letter and bury it like I want to do with him. I want to become something he fears. I need to be as ruthless and unforgiving as Ivar.

"I have an idea." Lagertha says, "But we must ready our men. We're leaving in 3 nights."

Hvitserk, who was sitting on the corner of the room, suddenly spoke, "3 nights? We aren't ready."

"Whose we?" Lagertha turned to him. "Our men? We don't have enough ships for everyone yet." He says, walking to the center of the room.

"Nia will leave to France with you, Hvitserk and Ubbe. The rest stay and plan for the war, but she will have to go to France and gain the peoples' trust. I'll write to Rollo."

I am scared. Doubt is my companion for tonight, and forever it seems. "Are you ready?" Ivar asked, "We don't have to do what she says." He tells me.

"I am ready. I will gain their trust." I say, they look at each other. "I'll write the letter warning Rollo of your arrival." and with that, she left the room silent and somehow buzzing with strange anticipation for the future.

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