Chapter 15

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Ivar brothers entered the cottage, stained with blood, their chest heaving, sweaty and ready to slice the men inside.

"What do you want from her?" Asked Ubbe, holding the sword upright, aiming at the neck of one of the younger soldiers, no older than what I was. I remembered the night that I told the young prince about my ability, a dumb mistake. Now, children probably watched their parents burn to ashes, their home, the sobs I heard outside made my heart drop. I can turn myself in now. Stop the prince from killing more children and innocent people.

Another explosive bottle was thrown. this time hitting too close to the cottage, the window shattered another bottle, the room filled with flames. Some English men burned, others charged at us. I held the sword as one of the soldiers charged towards me and smashed his sword against mine hard, it hurt my wrist, his gloved hands reached out to my dress but I dragged my heavy sword up again and he moved up instantly, Ivar, though sitting was fighting well on his own. The fire had calmed down, only laid the burned bodies of the English.

He hit my sword again and it flew from my grip, I tripped and cursed my clumsy feet. I crawled away from his grip. Suddenly I was filled with blood and his heavy body collapsed on top of mine. My dress started to feel damped and warm from his blood.
I held in my breath as I pushed his body off of mine. Ubbe leaned on his back as he tried to catch his breath, then he ran outside. I have a long way to learn about sword fighting.

Ivar screamed. His face was speckled with blood. Some dripping down his cheek. I grabbed the sword and stumbled outside. "Stay here. You can barely stand on your feet."

"Ivar, people are dying out there because of me. I have to do something." I dragged the sword. He was right, though I didn't want him to be. I feel like even if it's only been a few weeks it felt like a month of training non-stop, and seeing the progress was so slow.

"Did you bring the English men here?" He shouts at me.

"No. Anabel Did. She's been spying on me this whole time. The prince knows about my power."

He slams the dagger on the chair handle. "And you just weren't ever going to tell me? You lied you said no one else knew."

I lowered my head. I did lie. "When I showed him what I can do. He was impressed but he never asked about it again. I had assumed he had forgotten."

His jaw tensed and his gaze hardens on me and I felt more guilt wash over me.

"You're right. I should have told you but I didn't. I won't make such a mistake again. Let me go outside. Let me heal the wounds your people have. I'll stay with you."

He blinked away the hard gaze. "You what?" He says sadness in his voice rings loudly. I walk towards him. "I'll fight with you. I'll help you take down prince Theon. It is the least I can do." I now stood in front of him. He looks at me, questioning. I know he isn't used to people trusting him.

"you-you'd do that for me?" he stammers, I nod.

"You're a free woman. You don't have to do that. If you said that only to be granted freedom you have it."

"No, I meant it. I choose to stay and I also choose to go outside and fight. If I get scratched I'll heal."

I gripped the sword with my hand, feeling a new kind of confidence, one strong enough to fill me with arrogance.

I slammed the doors open, and scanned the village, searching for Eria or Anabel. I don't know which person I wanted to find more. I need Anabel, I have questions and I need Eria she was my rock.

I spot a woman struggling to get a solider off of another girl. Anger rose through me and I rushed to them, kick his sides and then stabbed him in the chest. The girl gripped her ripped dress and scattered away. "Get out!" I shouted when she froze behind me. I pulled the sword out of his chest with a hard pull.

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