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After talking to Audrey and calming her down, it was the afternoon and I went over to the Dawnwood Park to find the one person who comes here after a long half of a day.

There she was, sitting on the bench where we first talk.


Aiko: Wow. I was beginning to wonder if I'll ever hear from you again. I thought things weren't okay since a month ago.

"You're right. Things weren't okay. I broke your heart and the others that night. I'm really sorry Aiko for what I did."

Aiko: It's okay, Nick. I didn't think we were dating. You been the coolest guy I been with in a long time. I far from ready for a relationship right now. But I appreciate the apology.

(Con't) Plus, I believe there's someone else you really like that will appreciate your apology.

Aiko slide close to me, kissing me on my cheek. She lean to my ear.

Aiko: If things don't work out, I still need you to see me for detention.

"Uh, I gotta go. I'll catch you around."

I had to get up, trying to cover my boner. Aiko knew what buttons to press to turn me on.

The Teacher said about someone else that would appreciate an apology. Trying to think, the Huniebee vibrated.

Lola is back in town, heading to the mall. Looks like Jessie with her as well. Kill two birds with one stone, right?


Lola: You think "I'm sorry" will make everything better? Well, you're wrong!

I knew I was going to be berated during this tour. I just wish it wasn't at the Mall, in front of everyone.

I was calm, telling the best friends that I was sorry for my actions. The Flight Attendant started going off on me, pushing my head back.

Lola: You're scum. You're lower than scum. You cheated on a Queen and you'll never get her back. Boy, bye.

Lola stomped off, leaving me with the Porn Star. Jessie had a different answer than her friend.

Jessie: Honey...I accept your apology. You're a good guy at heart. This doesn't help my situation with Tiffany. It made things worse now. But, saying you're sorry is better than nothing. You can always call me and we'll get together.

Lola: Jessie, BRING YOUR ASS!

Jessie: Okay, love. Um, you really need to talk to-

Lola: NOW!

Jessie had to go before I receive another verbal beating by Lola. She was trying to tell me something, but again something happens.

Heading out of the Mall, I looked at the Huniebee. 4 down, 4 to go. Tiffany was free at the Campus.


After a good drive, I saw the Cheerleader handing out filers. She turn to me, bout to hand the paper until she saw my face.

Tiffany: Oh...it's you. Is it Ralph or Nick.

"It's Nicky. Sometimes I got by Nick. But I rather go by Nicky."

Tiffany: And I rather my "boyfriend" not fuck my friends or my bitch of a mother.

Okay, great. Let's see, a bunch of college kids around minding their business and this is about to go viral on every social media, embarrassing Tiff till she moves away from this town. I can't let that happen.

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