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It's been a couple days of training and a couple weeks since first coming to camp spirit. I really feel like I have everything that we've been doing down now.  It feels natural to me, the running and jumping, all the training. Growing up, I've always watched and waited for my parents whenever they'd go out together. I've always wondered where they went and why every time I tried to go along with them, they'd tell me "Not right now sweetheart, it's not your time yet" or "Zoe darling, stay here until we return" before mom kissed my cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

That was before. And this is now.

I'd give anything to here her voice but now was not the time to mope about the past. That was the past and I need to move forward. I gained somewhat strength from hearing Dad's voice on the phone when I called him. It was days ago but I could still here him in my head now.

"I'm glad your okay, I still can't risk you being here with me. It's too dangerous Zoe, I know how much you want-"

" I know dad, it's fine" I cut him off. I knew what he would say and I didn't want to hear it especially not right now. I know how much you want to come home.

After explaining all that had happened to him, he seemed to be frightened by the thought of what else could happen but then he had relaxed himself.

"Zoe," he let out a breath "I know you may not want to hear this but I think you will be able to.....handle yourself just fine. Your special and you may not think that now but you will see soon enough" it was like every time someone said the same line, it made me feel some type of way. I could never shake the feeling, my skin crawled and my heart sped up.

Dad told me he started hunting again. Getting closer to the full moon made it harder for him, working, the transformation and being able to hunt with the others. He'd go out, meet with the rest of his tribe and they'd hunt until the sun came up. Like he used to do with mom.

"I miss you and I'm a little worried. I've gotten gifts that I'm not even sure want me to handle them"

He chuckles and it's like music to my hears, it's been a while since I last heard him laugh. Since those times Mom was still here.

"You'll be amazing Zoe, your already amazing just like your mom. Margaret has been telling me about your progress, I'm proud of you and she would be too"

"Zoe!" I hear Margaret yell, I'm brought out of my trance to her and Ava staring at me like I'd lost my head.

"Are you ready to start again?" She asks, and I look around at everyone else. We all had partners and we spread out in the yard near the woods.

We were practicing as usual, out in the sun. I could feel the sweat running down my already heated face. The wetness on my skin heats from the sun and turns into smoke in the air.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" I stood up straight.

"Its okay, everyone take a break!" She yells and all the students stopped what they were doing.

I wiped off my clothes with my hands and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to Margaret. Everyone headed toward the building.

"Are you okay Zoe? You know you can talk to me about anything" she tells me and I know I can. Shes like a mom to me but shes probably doesnt feel the same way.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I've been thinking"

"Thinking is dangerous, especially when your fighting against someone while doing it" her arm goes around my shoulder and her chuckle sends a vibration through me. I send her a reassuring smile and look around for Ava.

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