Chapter:1 New murder new Love

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I walked into the police station and I saw some new reports. Hello this is Hastings on duty What's on these reports? I said There from Rosewood high school Mrs.Hastings Tanner said But who was killed? Boss I like to know who exactly I said Hanna Marin she Little Ms good at everything Tanner said Ok I'll read her report I said Hastings you have to solve this we don't know who did it exactly but I need you to investigate Everyone one of her friends and that boy Toby Cavanaugh and her boyfriend Caleb Got it Tanner said Got it I said Good Now I'll be in my office looking through who did it or a suspect Tanner said K I'll be looking her report I said Then I walked into my Room and looked at the last place she was at. Hmm so She was know Smart ass by her boyfriend wow he The one who's the asshole Jeez High school boys always caring about football Stupid jerks I said. So she has a rival named Alison DiLaurentis she was at her house apparently the night Hanna went missing Hmm How Exactly I said Then Tanner came into my room. I need you to go investigate The students at rosewood Now! Tanner said Ok I'm on it boss I got everything I needed I said I walked out to my car and Went to the school and everyone looked at me Then I Suddenly saw The most beautiful Girls Alison and Aria and Emily that's there names and I walked over to them. Hello I'm Detective Spencer Hastings I have questions for you guys I said Ok what are they? Alison said Come on the Room over here I said Then I sat down and They all sat down. So where you the night Hanna was Murder? I said I was there but only because She was having a party Aria said I was there too Just I didn't drink much like Hanna did Emily said I was home studying for a test And your not like wilden who investigate us when she first went missing Alison said no I got him off the case but if he does anything to hurt anyone I can deal with him for you guys I said Thanks Spencer Aria said You calls me anything you want but I have to go at the place where it happened so I'm busy for today but if you guys need anything just feel free to call me I said we will Mrs Hastings Emily said I better go so Bye and make sure to not let them bullies get to you I said I left to my car and Drove to the location. I got a call and I answered

Hello This is Spencer Hastings your talking to I said Hello Sister Alex said Hey Alex? I said What are you doing? Alex said solving a new Murder this one seems different then ones I've solve through my years here I said What happened? To the victim? Alex said She was Stab and shot by Someone but who exactly and she was buried alive by somebody I said Woah That's insane of them Alex said I know Right so what do have to tell me sister I said oh well I'm engaged Alex said Congrats I said Your still single I guess Alex said Yup I have Netflix but no girlfriend or boyfriend so yeah I said You're 25 you'll find someone in that town maybe Hot as hell Alex said Maybe I have to work so bye love you sister said Bye sister love you Alex said

("Call ends")
I looked around I saw A Diamond ring near where she was buried at. Hmm did Caleb Want to marry her and she didn't say yes She drop it wow he could have killed her possibly I said Then I got a call from Tanner. Hello I said Go to Caleb house! Tanner said Ok, I said I got into my car and went to it. Listen to me I didn't kill her Caleb said Then why is her ring near where she was buried? I said I didn't I swear Caleb said Shut the fuck up and get in the car I said Fine. Caleb said I took him to the station. I didn't kill my girlfriend i swear I didn't Caleb said Ok then where were you the night she was murder? I said At a another girls house... Caleb said You were cheating on her Wow That's crappie Of you Just Saying I said I know Caleb said So Did you know Hanna was going to be murdered? I said No She had everything but deep down she was Falling apart so I try to confront her but she was hiding something I think she was Into someone else but that's why I Cheated Caleb said Ok I said Then I go and I see someone at Office door. Hey Alison said Hi Alison what are you doing here? I said I came to see you and what exactly is happening in there Alison said Oh I'm investigating Caleb her boyfriend I said Oh woah Alison said Yeah I have to go home and go through this I said So how old are you? Alison said I'm 25 And I'm single So yeah I said How long have you been here? Alison said I moved here when I was still in college and my boyfriend Alex dumped me when I did and I had a break down after that and I did go on some dates but Nothing match really I said Yeah I did Date my friend Emily and it wasn't really a match Alison said Oh I understand I have to go now so bye I said bye Spencer Alison said I went home to my apartment and I sat down my bags and went to my room and Got undress and got into the shower and changed. I turned on the tv and saw a news about Hanna. Hanna Marin was in a secret relationship with Noel Kahn but They broke up Hmmm Wow I said I got a call and I answered. Hello I said Hi this is Alison Alison said Hi Alison what's up why did you call me I said I was wondering if you were doing anything later Tonight? Alison said Nothing really and why? I said I just Want to know if you like to go on a date with me Alison said Can we be friends I haven't really dated anyone I'm kind of afraid to fall in love with someone again I said Sure Alison said Bye see you when I can I said Can I come over when you're not busy Alison said Sure I said Great Alison said Then I hung up and Then my friend Ezra Knocked on my door. Hello Friend Ezra said What happened? I said I hooked up with one of my students and I didn't even know Ezra said wow I said

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