2. The View From The Afternoon

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  When Matt picked me up I hit him with a tsunami. I wouldn't shut up about the three minute interaction I had with Arabella the afternoon before. As expected, he didn't believe a word I said.

  "I swear on me life," I said seriously as Matt turned into the student parking lot. It was a clearer day that morning. By clearer I mean it wasn't raining, the clouds didn't fail to cover the sky however.

  Matt laughed an nodded, "Yeah 'aight Al, I'll believe ya."

  "I'm serious!" I persisted. "She asked me for some light. She looks even better up close, god she was so beautiful. And her voice!"

  Matt laughed again and put the car into park. "Calm down there Romeo, no need to wet yer pants."

  I hit him on the arm and adjusted how the leather jacket sat on my shoulders. Fixing my hair in the mirror I followed Matt out of the car and toward our first class. I had set myself up with a mountain of anticipation. Is she going to talk to me? What do I do when I see her? Jesus Christ Alex she spoke to you once get off your high horse.

  I kept looking at myself in every window we passed, making sure I didn't look less than worth her time. Granted, she made eye contact with me the day I was a drenched mess.

Why was I so worked up over this girl? Had I had that same interaction with anyone else and I wouldn't have even remembered it. It was the effect she had on me. I was already a fool for her and our story was barely beginning.

She wasn't in class when Matthew and I arrived, a bit disappointing but she was never there before I was. When she arrived I subconsciously sat up in my seat and tried to make eye contact with her but she didn't so much as look in my direction.

I knew I shouldn't have been confused but I was and I was determined to talk to her again.

Matt dropped me at my house and I sprinted upstairs to my room. Tearing off my school uniform and replaced it with some jeans, a white shirt and the leather jacket that I swung over my shoulders. I then jogged out of the house and started toward Flander's.

It was a risky bet that she was even going to be there but I was willing to make it. I didn't need to buy any new smokes or anything at all really but I couldn't just stand out the front and wait for her to walk by. So I went inside and bought myself a bottle of coke.

I unscrewed the cap with a hiss and brought the bottle to my lips. Coke wasn't my favourite drink but I felt like one. I leaned on the same wall outside the convenience store and lit myself a cigarette. I felt a buzz in my pocket so put the coke down and whipped my phone out.

From: Mum
Hello darling, your father and I are going to be home late tonight, there's leftovers in the fridge for your dinner. Be safe, love you.

I sighed and put the phone away. This happened a little too often. My parents would make an effort to be out at least once a week and wouldn't come home till midnight. I don't know what they did but they sure didn't care if it affected me at all. As bland as they could be, I missed them.

"Are you following me?" a voice said that snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over and met eyes with the girl I'd been waiting for.

"No?" I responded.

"Cigarettes don't run out overnight," she said.

"I know, I came here to grab a drink," I lied.

"Why here?"

"I like it here," I said.

"I come here every day after school," Arabella stated.

Bigger Boys & Stolen Sweethearts - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now