9. The Bad Thing

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The following Monday was eventful to say the least. Make ups. Blood noses. Penis flyers. Suspension. The whole nine. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. It started like it always did with Matt picking me up on his way to school.

"Heard the party got a bit eventful?" Matt said as I sat back in the passengers seat. His voice revealing that someone had given him a run down of the night.

"Barely," I shrugged.

"Heard you socked Adam Leeds in the face," Matt said.

"Oh yeah," I nodded. I sort of forgot about that.

Matt chuckled, "wish I were there to see it. Heard you were with Arabella too?" This time he smirked at me.

A smile broke onto my lips. We spent the entire weekend together. Mostly fucking about on her motorcycle but it were good fun.

"So what's the go with her?" Matt asked cheekily.

I smiled nervously, "what'd you mean?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Well are you two together?"

"No," I shook my head. "Just hanging out."

"I'm sure," Matt grinned.

"What about you? How'd the talk with Breana go?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Found out it weren't me that was the problem," Matt said. "She needed to take a break cause her mum got diagnosed with breast cancer and she didn't want to concern me with it."

"Oh shit," I said quietly.

"She apologised and all but it weren't her fault at all," Matt said. "I just wish I'd known sooner so I could've comforted her." He paused. "She's getting an operation in about a week but. Her mum is. I just hope she's gonna he alright." Matt was really caring like that. Especially when it came to Breana. He'd always put her and her families wellbeing over his own seeing as he was so close to them. It was beautiful really. It was the kind of relationship everyone wanted.

  We pulled up at school and I began subconsciously searching for Arabella's bike as we slid into the parking lot. As expected, it was nowhere to be seen. A little disappointed I climbed out the car and leant on the bonnet, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between my teeth as Matt joined me. A Monday morning smoke. Nothing else like it to set up the rest of the week. That's when the familiar rev of the only motorcycle in school caught my ear.

  A smile crept onto my cheeks and I looked over to see her speeding into the parking lot and pulling herself to a stop in the spot right next to Matt's car in front of me.

  She pulled her helmet off her head and out spilled her silky brown hair, falling effortlessly onto her shoulders. The entire parking lot was fixated on her. She turned her bike off and hung her helmet on the handlebars. That's when she whipped her head around to face me, a small smirk on her lips.

  "Hello," I smiled at her, taking a drag of my cigarette.

  "Y' cigarettes are wank," she said and cocked an eyebrow at me as she climbed off her bike and combed out her hair.

  "You've said," I smiled. I could feel all eyes on us. It was an odd sensation and I'm not sure if I enjoyed it or not.

  "I'll see you first period," she smiled and walked off, giving me a small wink as she strut into the school.

  "You two are impossible," Matt chuckled as soon as she was out of ear shot.

  I laughed, "what's that meant to mean?"

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