26. A Certain Romance

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  School holidays always tend to be fairly underwhelming and uneventful compared to the expectation. In my opinion at least. They give me the same empty feeling in my stomach as watching a film that has been hyped up to be the best you've ever seen only for it to be embarrassingly terrible in every aspect possible; but to make it worse, it had potential and just never used it in the way you imagined or begged it would.

  I'd spent the majority of me holidays at home or going out with friends to mediocre nights out and the irregular story-worthy event that would become something to reminisce upon. I couldn't do much as a result of the state of my face. Due to my own insecurities, I didn't want to be seen more than necessary as the entire holidays I was still cursed with a mending broken nose that only seemed to properly start getting better over the last five days of the last week.

  I still had bruising all over the bridge of me nose that made it very tender to the touch. It made me frown every time I saw me own reflection as it acted as a constant reminder of Adam, the fight and the fact that the moment I got back to school it was detention after detention.

  It was all red and purple for the first week and I had to keep tape over it to hold it in place once the doctors had it fixed so that me nose wouldn't be crooked for the rest of me life. And then it swelled and that was well embarrassing, especially when Jamie came over for a bit of a jam with our guitars and started pissing himself laughing.

  After the swelling went down the bruising slowly went from red to a muted purple and to where it was now which was this awful mix between purple and a sickening yellow that made me pretty fucking disgusting to look at. It had been difficult to breathe for awhile but now it was much easier. Adam the son of a bitch better have been proud of himself for putting me through all that.

  On the contrary, he had broken his hand and from what I'd heard, was in a cast covered in dick drawings and profanities written on by his mates. There were a party we both went to in the middle of the holidays and honestly, it were funny to see each other all bruised and fucked up from something we were both responsible for. We didn't bother having a go at each other, just glared and then moved away.

  I don't think either of our parents would've appreciated another set of medical bills.

  As the mediocre tendency of holidays would have it, nothing really changed over the course of those couple of weeks between the school terms. Nothing drastic at least.

  Me parents and I did talk more now. A quiet terrifying change really. We went from short single syllables to:

  "Morning Mum."

  "Morning sweetheart, did you sleep alright?"

  "Yeah, I'm going out today if that's alright? With Matt and Nick."

  "Of course darling, just don't be home too late, I'm cooking a roast and I don't want you to miss out — ask Matthew and Nick if they'd like to join, they're more than welcome."


  "Who's going to be at the party?"

  "Just some pricks from school."


  "Sorry, kids. Just me mates and maybe about thirty others from our year."

  "Any girls you fancy?"

  "No Mum."

  "Aw, come on Alex, you can tell me."

  "I don't have any girls Mum, I'm just going out with me friends."

  "Alright...but if there is anyone special..."

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