4. Stuck On The Puzzle

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When Matt picked me up the following day he didn't seem too happy with me. I couldn't blame him. He just sort of grunted a hello when I sat into the passengers seat. I tried making conversation with him about things that weren't Arabella for once but all I got in response was silence.

"Look mate, I'm sorry for ditching you yesterday," I said as he pulled into the school parking lot.

"Yeah," is all Matt said.

"It's not like I left you alone though," I mumbled. "You can't be fully mad at me."

"I'm not," Matt said.

"You sure acting like it," I huffed and looked away from him, out the window.

"It's not you Alex," Matt grunted, "not everything is about you."

I rolled my eyes, "never said it was. No need to be cold."

"Breana wants to take a break and I'm not exactly chuffed about it alright?" Matt said and took his keys out of the ignition. Breana was his girlfriend, they'd been together since they were summat around fifteen. They were what most people would call a 'perfect couple'. Up until now at least.

Matt didn't give a shit about any girl other than Breana. She didn't go to our school but they met each other at their shared job at a nearby supermarket. She was lovely. She treated Matt well, always made him happy. She was very petite, much shorter than Matt even though they were the same age, and she had this short brown bob that she always tucked behind her ears.

I felt like shit after he said that. I knew how much she meant to him and this whole time I'd been so focused on meself and my pursuit of Arabella that I didn't even notice or bother to ask Matt about his relationship.

"I'm sorry Matt," is all I could think to say.

"Don't be, It's not your fault," he said and stepped out of the car. I followed suit and caught up with him as she walked into the school.

"Why she want a break?" I asked.

"She won't tell me. That's why I'm pissed," Matt sighed. "She said she's not ready to tell me why and doesn't wanna hurt me so she thinks we should be taking a break."

"Do you know how long for?" I asked, pulling my grey hood over my head as I felt a few splatters of rain hit my cheek. My leather jacket was still wet from the day before so I had to result to wearing a boring grey pullover.

Matt shrugged, looking briefly up at the rain, "however long she needs but...fuck me I'm worried she doesn't feel the same anymore."

"Hey," I said and pat him on the back, "I'm sure she does. Just give her time. I know its shit now but I'm sure she's just figuring summat out and doesn't wanna put it on ya at the moment."

Matt sighed, "I hope yer right." He shook his head, "Anyways, enough about me, how was yesterday? You barely told me anything."


"I don't wanna talk about her right now Al, let me change the subject," Matt sighed. I nodded slowly and respectfully. "You get anywhere with her?"

I bit back a smile, the second my mind flew back to Arabella, I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about her and only her. "What if I wanna keep it between us or what if nothing happened?"

"I don't believe the latter with the way your face falls when you hear her name," Matt said.

"She kissed me, that's all," I said, trying to act cool but inside I was giddy like a child.

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