8. Piledriver Waltz

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  "What the fuck was that?" Arabella laughed, her eyes wide and her adrenaline pumping so loud I could hear it. "I can't believe you did that!" she laughed as we stumbled down the street. I was laughing too. My mind was racing. I couldn't believe what I'd done either.

  You see, I'd punched Adam that hard that he just stumbled back into a wall, so pissed off his face that he couldn't pick himself back up and hit me in return. I felt damn good about myself. I'd wanted to punch that fucker for years. People were cheering me on as me and Arabella walked out. I thought she was mad at me at first because she stormed out the second I drew my hand back.

  I quickly followed her and that's when she started laughing as we quickly walked down the street before Adam could catch up.

  "I'm sorry," I apologised, after realising it might've embarrassed her.

  "Why are you sorry?" she asked me like I was stupid, walking over to me as we stood on the road.

  "If I embarrassed you," I said apologetically.

  Arabella rolled her eyes and moved closer to me, "You didn't embarrass me you idiot," she grinned, "that chav deserved it." She laughed again, "I still can't believe you did that! I didn't think you had it in you," she said and then her eyes met mine. The next thing I knew she was kissing me long and hard. Her hand pulling my face down to her as I tilted my head to kiss her deeper.

  "You keep surprising me," she smiled as she pulled back to look at me briefly.

  "I do what I can," I smiled and brought our lips back together. She tasted like liquor and her tongue had that familiar flavour of her organic cigarettes that always tasted better on her mouth than on their own. I moaned at the feeling of her tongue exploring my mouth, making her giggle and tug on my bottom lip. "Come on," she smiled and let go of me. "Let's get out of here before someone hunts you down."

We walked the empty streets back to my house since Arabella refused on going home just yet. My parents were out once we arrived, I wasn't surprised. I felt a bit of the alcohol I'd drank but not enough to call myself tipsy. But I was feeling that slightest bit intoxicated that led me to do something very straight forward that surprised me and Arabella.

I grabbed her hips and gently pushed her against a wall, kissing her hard. "Someone's grown a pair," she smiled cheekily and grabbed my cheek, kissing me again. She wrapped an arm around my torso and pulled our bodies to touch in the blue darkness. We hadn't turned any lights on. I felt her move a leg up around me and grinned. I placed my hand on her thigh and supported her on my hip as she raised her other leg up around me.

Holding her to my hips she kissed me harder and more hungrily, gripping my hair and pulling me to her with a hand on my neck.

"Do you...wanna go upstairs?" I asked her, short of breath as she kissed me over and over.

She pulled back and caught her breath as she nodded, "Yeah." I smiled and kissed her hard once more and pulled her away from the wall and carried her easily upstairs to my room. She giggled against my lips and began kissing down my neck, making me groan at her beautiful touch.

"No marks," I said playfully as I kicked the door shut behind me.

"Can't make any promises," she teased and kissed my lips. I carried her over to my bed and gently lay her down on her back. She hooked her finger in the belt loops of my jeans and pulled me onto her as I began kissing down her neck. She let out soft exhales as I kissed her sweet spot and made my way back up her jaw and to her lips.

  Arabella pushed her tongue into my mouth drawing a moan out of me like she always did. I wasn't even embarrassed about it. Her tongue twisted with mine in the most insane ways possible. She was driving me mad and I could feel my blood rushing to one particular place. Our intoxication fuelling us with confidence as we pushed our jackets off each other's shoulders.

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